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Laura's POV

Who knew having two teenagers could be so hard work, well I guess it isn't that bad, but when you have a teenage girl who is hormonal and a teenage boy who hardly talks, keeps to himself and seems just to be the opposite of what his sister is like, it's hard work.

''Kirstin!'' I hear Ashton snap from the living room, as I make the dinner, ''I haven't done anything wrong, for fuck sake dad!'' I hear her snap, making me bite my lip and look through the door ''Don't use that language with me! you're grounded so you're not going out!'' Ashton snaps back, before I hear her running up the stairs and Ashton to walk in the kitchen.

''She giving you crap again?'' I laugh, leaning against the work top as he looks at me, ''She had a detention from fighting'' He mutters, running his hand through his hair ''Laura, I don't think she understands what she's doing'' He frowns, making me sigh and walk up to him ''Stop getting so stressed about it, I will talk to her later on, when she cools off'' I mutter to him, leaning up and pecking his lips, making him smile and wrap his arms around me, making me giggle up at him.

''Use act more like teenagers than I do'' I hear, making me look at the door seeing Ethan standing at the fridge grabbing a water bottle, making me roll my eyes ''Whatever you say'' I mutter, making him smile at me, as I check the food ''Think Kirstie will come down for food?'' I ask, as I get the food out and put it on plates etc.

''I'll get her for you'' Ethan shrugs, making me smile at him, ''He's such a sweetheart'' I mutter, making Ashton nod agreeing as I put the plates out, Ashton doing the same, as Ethan walks back in, Kirstie sulking in behind him, making me frown and look at her.

''I wanna talk to you later on okay? nothing bad'' I let her know, as she looks at me, she sighs but nods, before taking a seat and starting eating straight away, making both me and Ashton look at each other, ''Hows school going?'' Ashton asks, as he takes a sip of his drink, making both of them look at him.

''Fine I guess'' Ethan shrugs, making Kirstie roll her eyes ''Perfect dad, school is amazing'' She huffs, making me sigh and look at her with a warning look ''He's trying to be nice Kirstie, just a simple question'' I say, making her sigh and look down ''Sorry...'' She mutters, shoving some food in her mouth, making me frown.

''So...found anyone you like?'' I grin, making Ashton look at me worriedly, ''Nah'' Ethan shakes his head, didn't expect a different answer from him, but Kirstie seems to be being silent, making me raise an eyebrow ''Kirstie? have you?'' I smile, watching as she blushes ''There's this one guy who I've been speaking to...'' She mumbles, making Ashton's eyes go even wider and paler, ''And I've never seen your father so worried'' I laugh, making Kirstie giggle slightly and look at Ashton.

''He wants to take me the cinema's on Saturday...but I'm grounded'' She explains, making me bite my lip ''Well maybe if you apologise to your dad and talk to him instead of getting snappy, maybe he will let you go'' I explain, giving Ashton a look as he glares at me, but then shrugs, even though I know he isn't happy about it.

''Who is this guy?'' Ashton asks, shoving some carrots into his mouth, making me laugh ''His name is Scott, he's nice dad, I promise'' She mutters, making Ethan look up ''Wait? Scott Hoying? My friend Scott?'' He asks, making Kirstie blush even deeper and nod, making Ethan's eyes go wide even more.

''He's a nice guy dad, promise'' Ethan mutters, making me grin and look at Kirstie, who smiles hopefully at Ashton ''Fine, you can go, back before 11 though, no later than that'' He tells her, with a stern look on his face, as he finishes his food and gulps his drink down, Kirstie grins up at Ashton ''Thank you, thank you!'' She grins and stands up, washing her dish and rushing up the stairs, making me raise an eyebrow, ''Now is the right time to get protective over her? right?'' Ashton asks, as we put the dishes away.

''Just don't be too over-protective, she might feel trapped in that way'' I explain, washing my hands and following Ashton into the living room, where I see him close the blinds and then turn the TV on, falling down onto the couch and opening his arms up for me.

''I've missed you today'' He mumbles into my hair, as I cuddle into him, ''You did?'' I ask, hiding my face in his chest and smiling at the fact that I'm in contact with him, it's been so long since we've just cuddled like this, without anything in the way.

''I miss you everyday sweetheart'' He comments, making me smile and look up at him, leaning up so I can peck his lips, ''But we have the weekend now to enjoy'' He adds, making me grin widely and smile up at him ''We do indeed'' I smile, happy just to be living in the moment.

Oh I passed my beauty and I ended up doing a two year course in hair dressing, so now I work in hairdressing and beauty, which pays good money, Ashton still working at the studio, he's one of the best in there and I'm so proud of him.

After sitting there for a couple minutes, I suddenly start feeling sick, making me frown slightly and wrap my arms around my stomach in pain, ''You okay sweetie?'' Ashton asks, making me groan slightly and sit up, but as I was about to reply, I feel it start coming up, making me rush to the bathroom and throw up, Ashton rushing after me and rubbing my back.

''Hasn't that been happening for the last few weeks babe, you need to go the doctors'' He comments, making me come to a conclusion, I've missed my period for the last month, so oh shit.

''Oh shit'' I comment, making Ashton raise an eyebrow ''What babe?'' He frowns, as I look up at him, my eyes wide and I smile instantly.

''I think I might be pregnant'' I blurt and his eyes widen.

''Oh shit'' He mutters.

So this is officially the end of 'College' Thank you so much if you've read this, it truly does mean a lot to me, sorry if you think it's crap, I'm not the best writer haha.

Go check out my new Fan Fiction called 'Burns' It's another Ashton one and the first chapter will be posted straight after this is posted, so go check.

Thank you so much again.

And for the last time,





College // Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now