Chapter 25

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Laura's POV

  That's when I watch my baby die in front of me. 

''Laura! wake up!'' I gasp as I feel my eyes open and I shoot up from wherever I'm laying, I blink repeatedly, making me gulp slightly and look around, seeing I'm on the sun beds, Ashton bending down in front of me, making me raise an eyebrow.

''Ethan...'' I mutter, looking around confused and feeling sick ''Ethan's inside babe, with Calum an Betty'' He explains, running his hand through my hair, ''What happened?'' I frown, not feeling myself at all, ''You passed out sweetheart, but you was gone for ages, we nearly rang an ambulance'' He explains, making me frown and rub my eyes.

''I feel sick'' I mumble, wrapping my arm around my stomach, as Ashton helps me up ''Bathroom huh?'' He comments, making me frown slightly as he helps me stand up and leads me to the downstairs toilet, as soon as I'm there, I'm on my knee's in front of the toilet throwing up, feeling Ashton rubbing up and down my back instantly.

''I think you're dehydrated sweetie, you haven't drank much'' He mumbles, once I'm finished throwing up and I'm just sitting on the heels of my feet, Ashton grabs the water bottle and hands it me ''Smalls sips, okay?'' He asks, making me nod slightly and do as I'm told, feeling better as I do it, making him smile.

''Colour has came back'' He smiles, making me smile back at him ''I had a horrible dream thingy, Chloe ruined your car, but got around the back and killed Ethan, I watched him die and I didn't even do anything about it'' My eyes start watering, making him frown and rub my back, pulling me into a hug.

''My car and Ethan are both fine, nothing is wrong with them okay babe?'' He explains, making me nod slightly, after feeling myself calm down.


2 Month's later:

 ''You're gonna spend the day with nanny today, okay?'' I say to Ethan, as I dress him in his jean shorts and a plain top, ''Nanny?'' He grins, his eyes wide as he looks at me ''Yeah baby boy, just while I'm in college and daddy's in work, then daddy will pick me up after college and we come and collect use two'' I tickle his stomach, making him giggle, as Ashton walks into the room, dressed in his suit, making me grin at him.

''Ready to go?'' He asks, as I pick Ethan up and nod at him ''Ready as I'll ever be to start level 3 and my last year'' I pout at him, making him laugh, leaning down and pecking my lips, ''You'll do amazing babe'' He grins, making me smile ''It's gonna be sad that you aren't there though'' I pout, making him laugh ''I know, it's gonna be weird'' He mentions, making me smile as we walk downstairs.

''I'm getting a band today, they want me to work with them'' He says, as he grabs Kirstie's baby back and Kirstie herself, who's dressed in a little summer dress, ''Oh, who is it?'' I smile, grabbing my college back and Ethan's and making sure everywhere is locked before going to the car, ''It's a British girl group'' He smiles, putting Kirstie in her car seat as I do the same, shoving his baby bag on the floor and getting in the passenger side with my college ID badge and bag.

''Which one?'' I laugh, making him grin at me and start the car ''Little Mix'' He smiles, making my eyes widen ''Jesus Ash, only been working there a month and getting big artists, you must be doing something right'' I laugh, as he drives out the drive way, ''My job is just to help with the writing off the songs and recording them, along with Luke'' He laughs, acting like that isn't a hard job.

''Michael and Calum do dates of stuff and blah blah'' He explains, making me smile ''I'm so proud of you Ash, really, I am'' I smile as he stops at a red light, ready to turn left to go on his mums street, who luckily doesn't live far at all.

''Is that Chloe?'' I ask, looking out the window, seeing a blonde girl walking her way towards college, ''Looks like it'' Ashton mumbles, making me sigh ''I forgot she was in my course'' I pout, making him smile sadly at me, as the light turns green and he starts driving again.

''Remember if you need anything, call me'' I explain to Anne, as she unbuckles their car seats making me smile, ''I will do sweetie, now go before you're late and good luck'' She explains, making me smile at her and jogging back to his car and getting back in, making me pout.

''I don't like leaving them'' I sigh, as Ashton starts the car again and grabs my hand, ''I know sweetheart, but you will see them later on'' He explains. making me nod because I know he is true, I'll see them later on, I'm in till 4 and luckily Ashton also finishes then and he picks me up.

''I'm only going to have Michelle as a friend'' I pout, as Ashton turns to go the college ''You only need one sweetie, but remember you have Betty'' He reminds me, making me bite my lip ''Shit yeah, keep forgetting her an Calum are together, though they're cute as fuck'' I mention, checking the time on my phone, Ashton nods agreeing, ''I can agree with you on that one'' He laughs, as he gets to the traffic lights in front of college.

''Oh look, there's Chloe'' He says, watching as she crosses the road, with her head down and she looks a mess, ''Fucking hell, she really hasn't bothered'' I mutter, as the lights turn green and Ashton turns into the college car park and pulls the car up and looks at me.

''I feel weird myself not getting out'' He comments, making me laugh, leaning over and pecking his lips and pouting to myself ''I love you sweetie, you'll do amazing'' He comments, pulling me in for a proper kiss, making me grin ''I love you too and see you at 4'' I grin, before grabbing my bag and getting out the car, feeling a weird feeling as I watch Ashton drive off, before walking into the college building.

To think this is the place where I met the love of my life, the father of my babies and no it's empty without him here, but I guess I've only got one more year of this hell called college.

And then I start the walk up the stairs to the salon, where Michelle is waiting for me.

''Just think almost 3 years ago we fell out and didn't talk for a year, now here we are, about to take our last year of this place'' She comments, making me smile and we both walk in together.

I guess I only need good people in my life.

So this is the last chapter:( I really hope you've enjoyed reading this and please give me feedback on what you think of this, I've really enjoyed writing this and I will be starting a new Ashton Fan Fiction called 'The New Girl' after I've posted the Epilogue of this, which will be posted after this or tomorrow.

But thank you if you've read.





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