Chapter 2

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Laura's POV

''I'm actually so sad about doing English and Math again'' I groan, making Chloe laugh slightly ''But hey, we are both in math together, also I think Ashton has English with you, heard use was snapping each other last night'' She laughs, making me blush slightly and look down shyly, ''Use two would be a perfect match'' She grins, making me smile and look up as a notification from Ashton comes through.

I open up the app and click on the snap, smiling at the caption 'Meet me in canteen, we have English together:)' and I picture of him and Michael sitting in the canteen, I met Michael after college yesterday, he was nice, ''Anyways, I have to go my English, have fun'' Chloe grins, kissing me cheek before walking up the stairs, as I walk to the canteen.

''I've always liked a girl in uniform'' Ashton comments as I walk in, making me roll my eyes and laugh at him, I completely forgot I had this one, it's a tunic with a pink strip across it, wearing black pants and flat shoes, ''Anyways, you ready for English?'' He laughs, making me smile, ''I'm never ready for English'' I comment, that just makes him laugh and me to smile.

Once we've said goodbye to Michael, we head to the room with English, I smile slightly seeing Michelle standing near the door, on her phone, next to her is a tall blonde, which I think is Ashton's friend, ''Luke? Thought you passed English?'' Ashton comments as we arrive, Michelle looking up hearing Ashton speak and then looks at me with a raised eyebrow and a look that says 'Explain later', but I just shrug and smile at her, ''I have, I'm walked with Michelle here and then I just decided to wait'' Luke, I think, explains, making me then give Michelle the same look.

Once we've walked in, I'm sat between Ashton and Michelle, Ashton is say next to a dark haired lad, Calum, I think, ''What math's are you in?'' I ask Michelle, making me look at me from her phone and she shrugs, ''Don't know, don't care because I won't be attending'' She snaps, making me raise an eyebrow at her, what the hell is her problem, ''Okay then?'' I sigh, looking away from her and too my phone where I see Chloe has messaged me.

Message From Chloe T:

Let me know if anything happens with Ashton ;) xx

I just laugh and lock my phone, shoving it in my jacket pocket, making Ashton look at me, ''So your in math's next?'' He asks, making me look at him with a pout, ''Sadly'' I sigh, making him frown, ''I could help you with it, if you want, I passed math in school, so I think I'm alright?'' He offers, making me grin at him, ''I would like that, but only if you have time?'' I ask, making him smile, ''I always have time'' He winks, making me laugh as a tall male teacher walks into the room.

''Hey, my name is Ashly and I will be your English teacher this year'' He introduces, writing something on the bored, as Michelle slams her phone down on the table, making me jump and look at her, just too see her staring at the teacher with a glare, ''Are you fucking serious?!?'' She blurts out, making me look at her wide eyes, as the teacher turns and looks at Michelle, his own eyes going wide.

''Y-Yes, have a problem with that?'' He clears his throat, making Michelle laugh sarcastically, making me sigh and look away, Michelle has probably slept with him or some shit when pissed drunk, she's...uh a player? I hate that about her, like, she's my friend and I love her, but I hate the way she uses boys and then complains about how boys are shit to girls.

But after that little thing, we have to tell are names and blah blah, a little boring if I'm honest.

''Weird question, but is that your natural hair colour?'' Ashton asks, making me look at him and laugh, ''No, I'm naturally brunette, but I pay every six weeks to get blonde put in, I like it more'' I smile, making him nod, ''It's pretty'' He smiles, making me blush and look down shyly.


''How's was your day sweetie?'' My mum asks, as I walk through the door off my house, I look at her and shrug ''It was fine, Michelle just keeps worse and worse'' I sigh, falling down onto the couch, with a pout, making my mum frown, ''I don't know why use are still friends, she's a horrible person'' Mum mutters, making me sigh and look up at her.

''Also, I'm going a friends tomorrow, he's going to be helping me with math's'' I let my mum know, before jogging upstairs before she can ask questions, I throw my bag down and fall onto my bed and opening up my phone, seeing I have a message from Chloe.

Message from Chloe T:

Do you wanna come shopping, in need of new shoes and maybe you can get that piecing you was talking about? xx

Message to Chloe T:

Lemme just get ready:) meet me in half an hour xx

I grin to myself and get up off my bed, finding a decent outfit and changing into it, fixing my makeup and redoing my hair, I grab my phone and open up snapchat, putting the golden butterfly filter and taking a picture, captioning 'Need my roots doing badly' adding a emoji and putting it on my story. 

''Mum, I'm going shopping, don't miss me too much'' I yell out, before walking out and walking to the mall, since I can't drive yet and it isn't that far from me.

''So what piercing are you getting?'' Chloe asks, as we walk around the mall, ''I want my tongue redoing, I had it done in year 10, but It got ripped out'' I shiver at that memory, not really wanting to think about that because it was from the many fights I've had with Michelle.

''Ouch, but let's go get your tongue redone'' She grins, as we walk into the tattoo and piercing shop, my heart going too fast for my liking.

''Oh my god it's amazing'' Chloe grins, as I show her, ''Makes me want one'' She mumbles, making me smile ''Get one, we could be twinning then'' I laugh, making her smile and nod, ''Alright yeah'' She smiles, going to the front desk.


Once I've took my makeup off and gotten in my pajamas, I hop into bed with a happy smile on my face, I've been speaking with Ashton all evening, Chloe is amazing and Michelle hasn't spoke to me at all.

But for some strange reason, I'm not to bothered.

Second chapter:) I hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think.





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