Chapter 22

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Laura's POV

Kirstin and Ethan Irwin born on the 9th of August.

''She already looks so much like you, it's scary'' I say, two weeks after giving birth, as I sit on his bed, with Kirstie in front of me, sucking on her dummy, while staring up at Ashton with her wide blue eyes, ''So she's got the better looks?'' He smirks, as he walks over to me, from where he has hold of Ethan, ''Shut up!'' I pout, making him laugh, leaning down and pecking my lips.

''I think he might want feeding'' He comments, looking down at Ethan as he grabs onto Ashton shirt, making me giggle ''This is normally the time he wants his night time feel anyways'' I explain, checking the time on my phone, as Ethan starts crying, making me sigh, taking my shirt off, since it's only be and Ashton in here anyways.

Ashton smiles handing me the boy, who looks up at me with teary eyes, making me pout at him and let him feed ''I fucking hate this'' I mumble, leaning my head back, making Ashton sit next to me and frown, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and lets me lean my head on his shoulder, ''Can't you get a breast pump thingy?'' He asks, looking down at Kirstie, who's just know starting to get fussy, ''Guess she'll be getting fed after him'' I mumble, laughing slightly as she grabs Ashton finger and brings to towards his her mouth, making Ashton smile slightly.

''Everyone still coming tomorrow?'' I ask, as Ethan starts slowing down on the feed and pulls away, handing him to Ashton, who will burp him, as I grab Kirstie and help her gets to where she needs to, ''I think so yeah, Luke said he may be a little late'' Ashton explains, as Ethan lets out a burp and giggles, making me raise an eyebrow and laugh.

''Is Chloe and Mike?'' I ask, making Ashton sigh slightly ''Chloe and Michael have split up and have agreed to just stay friends, Michael is coming tomorrow, but Chloe is refusing too'' He explains, making me sigh and nod ''Never expected her to stay my friend anyways, no one ever does'' I sigh, watching as Ashton puts Ethan down on the bed, handing him his dummy, as he frowns at me.

''You have us babe'' He says, ''I don't think Calum has ever felt so close to someone out of our girlfriends'' He adds, making me smile slightly and watch as Kirstie feeds more, her hands grabbing onto her baby grow, as she stares up at me with her wide baby eyes.


''Turns out Chloe and Michael are back together and are both coming'' Ashton explains, putting his phone down as we watch the twins play together in the play mat, making me smile slightly, ''If she doesn't start in front of the babies, everything will be fine'' I comment, watching as he stands up, as the door knocks.

I sigh when I sit up, making sure I look okay as Calum, Michael and Chloe all walk in, Chloe not even bothering to look at me, which just makes me sigh and look at Ashton, who smiles slightly at me, before sitting back down in front of me.

Once everyone is here, including Luke who's not long arrived ''She looks so much like you'' Calum comments as he has hold of Kirstie, who fell straight asleep at his hold, which shocked both me and Ashton as she's the difficult one too get to sleep, stubborn child she is, just like her father.

''How's everything been with use, not seen you at all?'' Luke asks, where he has hold of Ethan, who just keeps staring at him, ''It's been fine, they only ever wake up once during the night and that's normally to change their nappy, which I'm thankful for'' I explain, making the blonde haired boy smile and grin down at Ethan.

''Where do they live?'' He then asks, putting the dummy in ''Well I've been here since there birth, so here I guess? my mum never really was happy with the idea of my having twins, so we just visit mine'' I shrug, making Ashton nod agreeing ''Though we have a house viewing next week'' Ashton grins, as I cuddle into his side and rest my head on his shoulder, ''You've only just turned 17 Laura, really good idea to move in with someone?'' Chloe pipes up, making me look over at her and roll my eyes.

''I have twins with him Chloe, we think it's best'' I shrug, making Ashton tighten his hold around my shoulder, making me sigh and run my hand through my hair, ''Just think you're making a mistake, me and Mike wouldn't do it and we've been together longer'' She carries on, making me roll my eyes again, as I feel Ashton move around slightly.

''Well you and Mike don't have a baby together Chloe, me and Laura haven't broke up at all in the months we've been together, which clearly shows mine and Laura's relationship is healthier than yours, it doesn't matter how long we've been together, so if you don't like it, leave!'' He snaps, making me look at him and peck his lips, noticing he's getting annoyed over it.

Chloe rolls her eyes and looks down at her lap, as I just look at her for a few more minutes, a little worried over her, ''Come on Mike, lets go!'' She hisses, grabbing Michael's hand and dragging the blue haired boy out, making me frown and look at Ashton, ''I'm a little worried about her, she's gone weird'' I explain, making Ashton nod, agreeing with me.

''She used to have a massive crush on Ashton!'' Calum blurts out, making me look at Calum, my eyes wide, ''But Ashton rejected her because he liked you, she was fine, she just got on with it, but when she found out you was pregnant with his baby, she knew their was no chance for them'' He explains, making me frown and look at Ashton, ''Ashton never had feelings for her though, so don't worry about that'' He adds, making me sigh and sit up.

''But what about Mike?'' I ask, as Luke just looks down at Ethan, biting his lip ''Michael is gay...'' Luke whispers, making my eyes widen and look at Luke in shock, ''Wait what?'' I breath in deeply, ''I'm not meant to say anything because Chloe made me promise, Michael is Chloe's fake boyfriend, so it makes it look like she doesn't like Ashton'' He starts, making me frown as he wipes his eyes, that's when I see Ashton look down sadly.

''I'm breaking this promise because I think you should know Laura, I really do'' Luke smiles sadly at me as Ashton grabs Ethan. ''Chloe thought you would be out the picture, that's why she got so annoyed blah blah'' Luke shrugs at that part, ''Michelle was never the bad person Laura, that was an act as well, too make it look like Chloe was a nice girl, but Michelle was also my fake girlfriend'' He sighs, moving over to sit next to me.

''Me and Michael are together, we're both very gay and Chloe is a massive dick'' He explains, making my eyes widen and look at Luke in shock.

''I'm so sorry, oh my god Luke'' I blurt, pulling the blonde haired boy in for a hug, ''Chloe has never liked you Laura and it was breaking my heart seeing you think she did, she wants Ashton, but Ashton clearly likes you'' Luke pulls back, making me smile slightly.

''Talk to Michelle, make friends with her again, she is a nice girl, who was getting forced to do it'' He explains, making me nod slightly and run my hand through my hair.

I actually don't know what to say.

So that happened:(. Only 3 more chapters left.





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