Chapter 21

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Laura's POV

''Happy birthday beautiful'' Ashton says, as I waddle back into his bedroom, where he's laying on his bed, just in his underwear, I grin at him sitting back down on the back of the bed ''Thank you babe'' I smile, laying down and cuddling into his side, before grabbing my phone from where it is on charge and opening up Snapchat.

''Smile'' I comment, before grinning and taking a snap, captioning it 'Might be nearly 9 months pregnant, but cuddles with him are still my favourite' after saving it, before sending it my streaks and putting it on my story, looking through Chloe's story and seeing her and Michael grinning, clearly they're at the beach, I haven't spoke to Chloe since that night, Michael and Ashton have made friends, but aren't as close.

''Oh my god Laura, you're so cute here!'' Ashton then says, making me raise an eyebrow as he shows me his phone, where I see he's on Facebook and seen one of my happy birthday posts, of a boy I was close with, seeing me with her when I was in year 9, had dark hair and badly done makeup, ''Oh my god, no way'' I groan, hiding my face in Ashton chests embarrassed, before myself click on Facebook seeing all the people who's posted on my wall already, grinning when I see some of the posts.

Ashton Irwin: Happy birthday to this beautiful girl, hope the day is amazing, just like you're, I can't wait to start this little family with you, let's hope the babies don't wanna be brought into the world today and let you have your day, can't wait to spend the day with you, I love you and enjoy the 17th life xx

With one picture of when we first started dating, where we both looking awkward and me just looking a mess, second one being one on the beach, where I was only a few months pregnant, to one that was took the other day, where we are cuddling on the sun bed at my place, both looking a mess.

I love the status and comment on it, before doing that to the rest, before turning to Ashton and pecking his lips ''Couldn't choose better photos'' I giggle, sitting up again and rubbing my bump as one of them kick, making me sigh and look at him, ''All they do is kick, but when you're near they stop, you aren't allowed to leave my side'' I demand, making him laugh, sitting up with me and wrapping his arms around me, resting his hands on my bump, as my phone dings.

''Your mum messaged me'' I raise an eyebrow, making him look at my phone, as I open my phone ''She wants to take us out for breakfast since it's my birthday'' I say, looking up at him and biting my lip ''She doesn't have to do that'' I add, making him smile, before kissing the top of my head and sitting up more.


I rub my stomach as I sit at the seat of the restaurant we're in, as it cramps up slightly, as I sit next to Jordan and my dad at the table, ''You okay?'' Jordan asks, making me nod ''Yeah, stomach just keeps cramping up, nothing too serious'' I smile at him, making him look at me for a few seconds, before nodding, ''Just let me know if it gets worse'' He mumbles, making nod and rub my stomach again, ''I'm just going bathroom, I won't be long'' I announce, standing up and walking into the bathroom and into a stall.

''Fuck'' I mutter, as a sharp pain rips through my back and stomach, leaning on the stall door as pressure builds up, before feeling liquid run down my leg, making me freeze and look down, seeing a puddle of water on the ground, making me gulp.

''Laura?'' I hear my brothers girlfriend, Lisa, say, making me unlock the stall and look at the woman ''Uh, I think my waters have just broke...'' I comment, before a pain rips through making me yell out and fall to the ground in pain, ''Shit babe, okay, I'll ring an ambulance, and Jordan will ring Ashton, deep breaths'' She warns, before she rushes out the bathrooms and comes back a couple minutes later, with my mum.

''You'll be okay sweetheart, it'll be over before you know it'' She comforts, running her hand through my hair ''I w-want A-Ashton'' I gulp, rubbing my stomach as more pain happens.


''Well at least they aren't born on your birthday'' Ashton comments, as I lean my head on his shoulder, him running a hand through my hair, as I lay in the hospital bed, IV and drip connected, with stuff around my stomach so they can listen to the babies heart beat, ''Yeah...'' I mumble, just feeling drained already and I've not even started pushing.

Ashton kisses the top of my head, as my mum and Anne sit at the chairs that are in the room, talking about god knows what, I move around slightly as a contraction hits, making me whine slightly, slinging my arm over my bump, as Ashton rubs it, ''It's okay babe, it'll be over before you know it'' He mumbles, helping me sit up, since apparently that helps.

''Just want it to be over know'' I mumble, running my hand through my hair, ''I know babe, I wish I could take the pain away'' He explains, rubbing up and down my back, just before the contraction ends and the Amy walks in.

''If you would like, you can have a walk around the hospital, that can help it move along faster'' She explains, taking the weird things of my stomach, I nod slightly and Ashton helps me up, ''Just come and find me if you need me'' Amy smiles, as my mum grabs my hand and Ashton grabs the other.

''I feel like a balloon'' I mutter, making them laugh slightly ''You will feel empty once the babies are out, which is really weird'' Anne comments, making me smile slightly at her and lean into Ashton as we walk slightly, ''You okay?'' He asks, making me nod slightly, ''Yeah, I just want this to be over'' I comment, making him laugh slightly and kiss the top of my head.

Tonight will be a long night.

So she's in labour, so babies will be here next chapter:)





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