Chapter 3

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Laura's POV

''This morning felt really awkward, don't you think?'' Chloe asks, as we walk to the maccies near the college, ''I have spoke to Michelle for weeks'' I mumble, as we walk in, looking around for Ashton and Michael, who wanted us to meet them here and of course we both agreed.

''Tell me later okay'' She smiles sadly at me, making me sigh and nod, waiting in line to get our food, ''Are you and Ashton together?'' She then asks, making me blush bright red and look down, ''Maybe'' I mutter, looking up shyly, making Chloe grin and happily hug me, ''I'm so happy for you, oh my god'' She laughs, making me grin at her, we wasn't planning on hiding it anyways.

It's been a two months since we met and I've never been happier with a group of friends, Chloe is like a sister to me, Luke, Michael and Calum are the nicest and Ashton is now my boyfriend, we got together last week, when he was helping me with math's and then we went out for food.

Once we have our food, we look for Ashton and Michael, who are sat at the back, Michael shoving a burger in his mouth, making Chloe laugh and roll her eyes, but we walk over anyways, making them both jump at our sudden presence, ''Fucking hell'' Ashton mumbles, placing at hand over his chest, just making the two off us laugh, ''Sorry'' I smile, leaning over and kissing his cheek, making him smile, ''I guess you're forgiven'' He laughs, making me grin.

''Michelle is over there'' Chloe mumbles to me, nodding behind me, making me bite my lip and look behind me, seeing Michelle standing with Abby, Liv and Katie, basically the dicks on our course, cause shit with nearly everyone, hasn't been me or Chloe yet, just waiting for that day, which I feel might be soon.

''Wasn't she like, your best friend when we first started?'' Michael asks me, making me look at him and nod ''Yep'' I sigh, turning back in my seat, sipping at my drink, ''What happened?'' He asks, making me shrug, ''I don't actually know, but I'm not too bothered, which I feel like I should be because she's been my best friend since year 7'' I explain, making them all frown, but me too smile.

''She looks familiar'' Ashton comments, making me raise an eyebrow at him, ''She's in our English?'' I shrug, making Ashton shake his head, ''Wait, is she the girl Calum kept hooking up with, like two years ago?'' He then asks Michael, who's eyes also widen and me too look between the two confused, ''Huh?'' I ask, making Ashton look at me and laugh, probably at my confused face.

''Two years ago Calum hardly came out, he was always partying, drinking, smoking week etc, we found out he was hooking up with a girl blah blah, but one night he came to Michael's house a state, he was crying, he had blood all over his face, they got into a fight and she attacked him, but he didn't want to press chargers and yeah'' Ashton explains, making my eyes widen and sigh, ''I had no idea, I knew she liked hooking up, but I didn't know that'' I comment, making Ashton smile and wrap his arm around me.


''Today we are doing makeup, so I hope you all remembering your makeup?'' Lynn says, as we all sit down near the salon beds, me sitting on a bed with Michelle, since that's who I've been partnered up with, sadly.

''Anyways, today we will be doing a party going out look'' She explains, clapping her hands happily, making me sigh and look at Michelle, seeing her on her phone, typing out a paragraph to someone, frowning when I see my name in it, but I shrug anyways.

Chloe shoots me a look of confusion, from where she's working with Abby, I'm praying for her, but I smile at her, making her grin and turn back to Lynn, ''Remember not to use your brushes on someone else, same with makeup, because it can cause infection, but anyways, get started because remember this is your assignment'' She explains, smiling at us all and sitting down on the computer.

''Can I do yours first?'' Michelle asks, finally looking up from that stupid phone, I sigh and nod, 'Yeah sure'' I smile slightly, shoving the chair under the bed and grabbing my makeup bad from where it was, sadly I'm also running out of foundation and powder, luckily I should have more by tomorrow and I get on the bed when she tells me to do.

I watch as she pours all my makeup out the bag, making me sigh and roll my eyes at how not careful she is, ''You got Kylie eye shadow?'' She gasps, picking the palettes, ''Uh yeah?'' I smile slightly, her looking at me eyes wide, ''Fucking hell, you're a spoiled brat'' She spits, making me eyes widen, ''Excuse me!'' I hiss, making her smile innocently and start with my makeup.


''What happened?'' Lynn asks, walking into the part we're in, ''She wasn't listening, so I poked her in the eye, maybe a bit to hard and now she can't open it'' Michelle shrugs, like nothing happened, as I glare at her with the one eye I can actually mange to open.

''Go down to program management'' Lynn snaps and Michelle groans before sulking off, ''You need to go first aid, do you know where it is?'' She asks, but before I can answer, ''Do you want me to take her?'' A voice says from beside me, making me look over, seeing Betty nervously standing there, making Lynn smiles and nod.

''It's just down here'' The nervous blonde mutters, making me frown ''You don't need to be nervous, I don't bite'' I smile at her, watching her nod slightly, ''What the fuck happened?!?'' I hear Ashton's voice, making Betty flinch and me to look behind me, ''You go back up, I'll be fine, okay?'' I smile at Betty, she nods quickly, before running of, just as Ashton gets to me.


''At least I can see now'' I mumble, from where I'm sitting in Ashton's car, he laughs slightly and smiles over at me, ''You still good for games night at Michael's, Luke's bringing his new girlfriend'' He grins, making me nod and smile, ''Yeah, I'm still going, don't worry'' I smile, watching as he grins and leans over to peck my lips.

I have a great boyfriend.

By the way, I'm from the UK, so I'm just saying things that I know.





College // Ashton IrwinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя