Chapter 15

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Laura's POV

''I'm dying from this heat, oh my god'' Dani complains, as he both finish work at 3, I've been working here for a week and I've made good friends with Dani, turns out she's actually a really nice girl.

''What's your plans for the rest of the afternoon/evening'' She asks, as I grab my phone and turn it on, ''My brothers down for a week, so I think we're having a barbecue this evening and just spending the night in the pool, probably end coming in hungover tomorrow'' I laugh, as we both wait at the car park.

''Ohh fun, I've gotta work on college assignments, that are...overdue'' She laughs, making me smile slightly and look around for Ashton's car, before a message pops up on my phone.

Message From Ashton:

I'll be a little late babe, gotta get petrol xx

I just text back saying it's fine, before putting my phone in the back jean pocket.

''Is Ashton going?'' She asks, getting her phone out, ''Yeah, he's never met my dad or brother, so he's a little nervous'' I laugh slightly, making her pout, ''Protective?'' She asks, making me shrug ''Well yeah, but they won't be a dick to him, they will only be a dick if he did something'' I explain, making her nod ''Mum and dad still together?'' She wonders, making me shake my head, ''No they broke up when my little brother was born, but they're still close friends, my dad goes to England with my brother and that'' I explain, just as Ashton pulls up in front of me.

''I'll see you tomorrow at 12?'' She asks, making me nod and smile, before we say bye and I get in the car, ''Hey beautiful'' He comments, making me grin at him and shove my bag down, ''You ready?'' He asks, ''Ready as I'll ever be, also nice shorts'' I grin, making him look down and laugh, they're not embarrassing, they just look good on him, they're just Nike swim shorts.


'Barbecue and pool? yes please' I write the caption after saving the picture, a mirror selfie of me and Ashton, since I'm now changed into a bikini and he's in the swimming shorts, of course a picture has to be took, Ashton leans down and pecks me lips, making me grin as I fix the messy bun on my head, because it's bad.

Ashton met them before I got changed, seemed to get on well straight away, luckily, ''Calum would freak out right now'' Ashton laughs, as I grab my water bottle and we start heading downstairs, which I laugh at, ''Does he now?'' I ask, making Ashton shake his head, ''Well I don't think so'' He comments, making me smile at him and walk into the back garden, where me niece runs over to me ''Laura! Laura!'' She chants, making me laugh and pick her up.

''Hey pretty girl'' I comment, with a smile, as she kissed my cheek, ''You didn't have him last time?'' She comments, pointing behind me where Ashton is, making me look at Ashton and laugh ''I know babe, we haven't seen each other in ages'' I tell her, making Ashton smile, ''But this is Ashton, tell him your name?'' I ask, as she looks up at Ashton, luckily she's wearing sunglasses, ''Hi Ashton, I am Mia!'' She waves happily, making Ashton smile, ''Hi Mia, it's nice to meet you'' He smiles, before I put her down and she runs off somewhere else.

''I have another niece, but she's older and not as fun'' I explain, making him laugh as I lead Ashton into the main area of the backyard, ''So I finally get to see you again'' My mum says, getting up and hugging Ashton, making me smile at them and sit on the sunbed, next to the one Ashton will be made to sit on.

After they've spoken for a while, Jordan's wife sits up from her sunbed and smiles at me, ''Didn't see you there Laura, how have you been?'' She asks, walking over to me and sitting on the chair, as Ashton speaks with Jordan, ''I've been great, starting college has been the best thing to do, glad I didn't do that apprenticeship'' I laugh slightly, making her smile and push her sunglasses up on her face.

''I see you met a boy'' She grins, making me laugh, looking over at Ashton seeing him laughing at something, ''Yeah...he's amazing'' I smile, before looking down at my phone as it comes up with a snap, making me roll my eyes, but lock my phone again, ''Well as long as you're happy with him, that's all that matters'' She smiles.


''Chloe and Mike are fine again'' I comment to Ashton, as he walks back over to me, drinking a beer, as I have a glass of wine, ''Told you they would be, happens all the time'' He comments, sitting down and kissing my cheek, ''Is that a healthy relationship though?'' I frown, making him bite his lip.

''No, but it's not all the time, it's happen a couple of times, but only because people have tried to break them up all the time'' He explains, making me nod slightly and put my glass down, ''I just couldn't deal with that, I know we'll have arguments, but I couldn't break up and get back together all the time'' I mutter, a little annoyed at how much Chloe slagged Michael off and how much he did to her and now everything is fine.

''Luckily it isn't our relationship, though I feel like it's unhealthy not to argue and we've already had a few arguments'' He says, making me nod agreeing with him because it's true, ''I just hope it never gets too bad'' I mutter, making him nod in agreement.

I stand up from my sunbed, putting my phone on the edge of the pool and climb in, grinning at Ashton as he watches me with a smirk, making me laugh, as he follows me in and he then grins at me.


It's about midnight now, everyone has gone inside or home, but me and Ashton are still out and back into the pool, we got out for a bit, both a little drunk, but no harm done, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into him and placing a kiss to the top of my head, my head rests on his shoulder, making me smile slightly and close my eyes from the tiredness that's overtook my body.

I guess today has been a good day.

Let me know what you think of this:)

Also a big Happy Birthday to Ashton:) double update for him?:)





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