Chapter Thirteen | History

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---Tim's P.o.V---

As I searched on the bat computer, I grew more and more frustrated. 

"DAMN IT!" I shouted, banging my fists against the keyboard. I could feel the the cave tremble from the impact, my coffee mug shaking.

"Gee, what did it ever do to you?" The unmistakable voice of Dick questioned with humor in his voice.

     "Screw off, Dick!" I yelled, turning around in the chair to face him. I knew I looked like trash. My hair was in disarray, my clothes were wrinkled, and I had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. Dick noticed my appearance and, of course, made a comment.

"Girlfriend, you are a #legithotmess ," he said snapping his fingers. I sighed in agreement.

     "I know, I know. But I can't stop until I find it." I typed away for a few minuted as Dick stood to the side staring at the screen. I groaned in defeat and buried my face in my hands.

"Ugh! This is impossible! It doesn't exist! Not a single file!" I stood up to walk out until Dick put his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

     "Lemme guess. You're trying to find information on Olivia because she asked you to and you couldn't say no, but you can't find it and you don't wanna disappoint her by coming up empty-handed because you like her." I looked up to him in shock.

"How did you- wait, never mind." he replied with a knowing smirk.

     "How 'bout we start off with the other Olivia first, 'kay?" I nodded in agreement and followed him back to the bat computer. I typed in her name and pulled up her file, a large picture of her on the screen.

'Elizabeth K. Ellis (deceased)

Born: May 14, 2001

Place of Birth: Gotham City, USA

Died: August 24, 2014 (age 13)

Cause of Death: Homicide (to be redetermined)

Place of Death: Gotham City, USA

Parents: Jonathan B. Ellis (father), Denise H. Aden (mother)


-No siblings, aunts, uncles, or grandparents 

-Had close affiliations with Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne

-Suicidal '

The last part of the page both scared and confused me. This wasn't a normal detail in these biological descriptions. Looking over my shoulder at Dick, I could tell by his expression that he felt the same way.

     "Whoa," we said in unison. I knew that she summoned Olivia because of it, though this is one of the few things in her biography? We heard a gasp then a whimper. Both Dick and I turned around to find Damian of all people standing there, hands covering his mouth, teary eyed. I couldn't believe that my cold blooded assassin of a brother could be brought to tears over a picture. Dick walked over to him and gave him a tight hug. Surprisingly, he didn't try to behead him, though he didn't hug back. As Dick pulled away, he looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

"You okay, Little D?" he asked softly in a brotherly tone. Damian wiped his eyes with his sleeves before turning back to face him.

"Of course Grayson. Thank you," he mumbled the last part quietly to himself, but from the giant grin on Dick's face, I could tell he heard it.

"Anytime Dami, anytime." and with that he left the cave leaving me and Damian in silence. He walked up behind my chair and looked up at the screen.

     "I see you're working on the recent case. Have you found anything.....interesting?" he asked. I was shocked that he held not the slightest bit of coldness in his tone. I twisted my body around towards him in my chair and was taken aback at what I saw. The Demon Spawn was staring at the picture of Elizabeth, smiling. Holy shit this is the end of the world.

"HE'S SMILING! HE'S SMILING! JASON GET YOUR GUNS IT'S ARMAGEDDON!" I screamed frantically. Damian slapped the side of my head playfully. 

"Please, shut your mouth Drake before I have to do it for you." he said smirking. That didn't stop me from jumping up and down like an idiot.

     "MOTHER OF ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL THE DEMON SPAWN JUST SAID PLEASE! AND HE TOUCHED ME IN A WAY THAT WASN'T MEANT TO BE FATAL! HOLD UP I NEED MY BO STAFF FOR THE APOCALYPSE!" I yelled to no one in particular. Bruce, Dick, and Jason all came down to the cave, personal weapons in hand. Jason whipped his head left and right in a panic searching for the threat.

     "Tim? What was with the shrieking? Did Damian stab you with his katana agai- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO DEMON SPAWN WHY IS HE SMILING?! BR-BRUCE?! ARE YOU SEEING THIS?! I THINK HE ACTUALLY MIGHT'VE SUCCEEDED KILLING TIM THIS TIME!" I couldn't help but laugh. Bruce and Dick both had smirks on their faces while Jason just stared dumbfounded.

     "Oh, this is priceless!" I said, wiping tears from my eyes. I looked back to Bruce with a calmer expression than before. "Now since you're here already, do you think you could help me find something on the database of the computer? I've been searching for twelve hours straight and I agree with Dick that I might need some sleep soon." I say hopefully. I hear Dick chuckle and mumble 'might my ass' and walk out. A red-faced Damian and gobsmacked Jason followed suit soon after.

    "Sure, but why would you need my help? I thought you had computers down pact by now." Bruce replied with a raised eyebrow.

   "I thought so too, but I can't seem to find Olivia's birth certificate. She asked if I could find it for her, because she has no idea how she's been able to live her life without one. But no matter how deep I search, I can't find it," I explained.

   "So you don't believe it exists?" Bruce questioned, looking at the file for Elizabeth.

   "It has to exist, how would she be able to attend GA without one? They're pretty big with the security," I corrected. Bruce shook his head at me. 

   "She's been able to trick her parents into believing that they gave birth to her. Who know what else she can do with her mind." Bruce suggested. It's true. If she believed she had a birth certificate, she could easily make others do as well.

   "So do I just tell her that? She's gonna be so disappointed," I said, hanging my head low. I felt Bruce's hand on my shoulder.

   "You like her, don't you?' he guessed. I nodded my head warily.

   "Since the eighth grade," I completed, while he looked at me shocked.

    "That long, huh? Then I know she's a good person. At this point, you just have to live your life, maybe try to win her over, and hope she shares your feelings. If not, don't beat yourself up for it, okay Tim?" Bruce advised.

    "Okay. Thanks Bruce," I said quietly. 

   "Anytime, son. By the way, you might want to tell her about your feeling sooner than later." he suggested, walking out of the batcave.

   "Why?" He turned his head perpendicular to myself, his back still facing me.

   "You never know if there's another person who'll come along," he finished. Bruce didn't realize how right he was.


Hey. Sorry this book sucks.

~Lz :3

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