Chapter Eleven | The Question

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---Olivia's P.o.V.---

     I woke up to sunlight peering through the curtains. I was lying on my bed in the room of the manor. They must've brought me back here after I fell asleep in the interrogation room. I groggily looked to my side at my alarm clock. 10:39 a.m. 


      I quickly jumped out of bed. I noticed I was no longer in my academy uniform, and was in a white t-shirt and jean shorts, thankfully without the collar around my neck. I hesitantly opened my door to find the whole family on the ground floor, sitting on the couches of the main room. Everyone except Damian that is, he probably went to school by now. Luckily, they didn't notice my existence and continued their conversation. I leaned over the banister to get a closer look.

    "How do we know we can trust her? It really was stupid of you guys to agree to take off her inhibitor collar," Jason started. So that's what that was? I heard they used them on the inmates in Belle Reve. Tim instantly defended me,

     "Of course we can trust her! Even though her backstory is a little weird, she's just a normal kid. Besides, you heard what Damian said, she can't control her powers. She can't use them against us."

     "All the more reason she should keep one on! We don't want a hormonal teenager roaming freely with powers triggered by her emotions!" Dick exclaimed. Okay, that one stung. He continued,

     "Speaking of her freedom, will she stay with us or do we turn her into juvenile? Have we decided if Elizabeth was killed by suicide or homicide yet?" Bruce and Tim answered simultaneously,

    "Homicide/Suicide!" Tim glared at Bruce before he spoke. "It was suicide, but the real question is whether or not it was intentional. Elizabeth summoned Olivia by herself. Olivia was made to kill her." I gasped at his sentence. Is that really my entire purpose? And could I really go to jail for murder? I was frightened beyond belief. Apparently, my sharp intake of breath alerted them of my presence. They all turned around from one another, everyone with a different reaction. Bruce kept a blank expression, Dick looked surprised, Jason gave me a look of sympathy, and Tim had worry on every line on his face. He instantly ran up the stairs and gave me a gentle hug, face buried in my shoulder and neck. He didn't say a word, but I could tell he was tense.

"It's okay, we're okay", I cooed softly, rubbing his back with my hand in a soothing manner. I could feel him relax under my touch instantly, making me smile. He finally gathered the courage to look up at me.

"I-is it true?" he asked, voice shaking.

"Yes, every word I said to Robin was true." I decided not to let them know that I knew of their secret identities just yet, and I could tell Damian thought the same.

"So you lost all your memories? Your life was all fake?" he looked at me saddened. "Was I fake?" I gave him a small smile.

"Tim," I lifted his chin with my free hand, brushing my fingertips over his cheekbone. "You're the only real thing that's left in my life." he chuckled slightly.

"Good, because it would be really weird to explain how we got those photos." I laughed with him until I realized something. If I wasn't real until I was 13, where the hell is my birth certificate? And those baby pictures, where the fuck did they come from? Tim noticed my troubled expression immediately. 

"Olivia? What's wrong?" He shook my shoulders since I was staring off into space.

"E-everything's wrong." I stuttered. 


How am I gonna explain this? I'm writing more than I can understand hehehe.

~Lz :3

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