Chapter Three | The Family Dinner

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---Olivia's P.O.V.---

     As I was taking my clothes out of my suitcase to put into the dresser there was a knock on the door. Without looking up from what I was doing, I said a quick 'come in'. The door opened to reveal Tim in a simple gray t-shirt a dark jeans.

"Hey" he greeted.

"Hiya, what did you need?"

      "Alfred wanted me to call you down for dinner. And then after maybe we could talk and catch up? You know, like old times?"

     I stood up and stretched my back with a sigh. "Yeah, that sounds good" I said as I followed him downstairs. The wonderful aroma of Alfred's cooking filled my senses and I couldn't help but mouth an 'omg' to Tim and he responded with a excited whisper-shout of 'ikr'. I really was happy that I knew at least one person in this household.

     Dinner was a fairly different story. As I sat between Tim and Jason, Damian glaring at me from across the table, Dick finally snapped. "So, uh... Olivia, why did you choose the Wayne manor to stay in during your time here in Gotham? Also, why Gotham?" 

     I hesitated before answering, "Well, apparently my dad was good friends with Bruce when he was in school, and he told me Bruce owes him a favor. As for why I'm staying in Gotham in the first place, that would be because I got a scholarship for Gotham Academy for the last two years of high school." I was surprised he didn't hear my reason for coming to Gotham during our little introduction.

     Dick's eyes lit up at my response, "That's great! Little D here is in the same grade as you, he can show you the ropes!"

"I told you not to call me that, Grayson", Damian growled.

"But Dami! I was just starting to think we were becoming friends" Dick whined with a fake pout.

      Damian stood from his seat at the table and narrowed his eyes at everyone, "Grayson, I am not your friend! Nor will I find any joy or satisfaction in becoming acquainted with her", he hissed pointing at me while continuing, "a stupid, poor girl who came crawling to Gotham without a place to live. I bet she scraped up the money to apply for the academy, begging for an education I surpassed at age ten!" he exclaimed before storming off to his room, leaving his half-full dinner plate at the table. Everyone looked to me and were surprised to find that I was practically unfazed by the words just spat at me, probably expecting me to cry or yell.

"Olivia-" Bruce started.

     "Please don't worry Bruce, I'm fine." I said emotionless as I ate one last bite before standing up and heading to Tim's room, not forgetting  about our scheduled chat later.

---Damian's P.O.V---

     I left the table in a blind fury. This girl thinks she can just waltz in here and become friends with all of us?! I could tell that she and the others were confused by my continuous aggression towards her. I made it seem like I hated her guts, just cause. But I did it so they wouldn't have to face the truth. Ignorance is bliss after all. They can thank me later, though. I'll have to force her out myself. She probably doesn't know that I know who, and what she is. I knew right when I saw those unmistakable green and gray eyes. I never thought I would see them again. They don't know what I know. 

---Tim's P.O.V.---

     Dick, Jason, and I stared at Bruce waiting for him to say something. Jason spoke up first, "Are you sure she's not your daughter Bruce? She shows less feeling then you", Dick snickered at his comment. Something inside me snapped at his words.

      "She does have feelings Jason!" I yelled slamming my hands on the table, making the three males jump at my sudden outburst. "Maybe if you and Damian would stop being so damn blind you'd realize it! She's a great person with a heart of gold and doesn't deserve any of that bullshit Demon Spawn just threw in her face!", and with that I left to my room to talk with Olivia mumbling under my breath.

'She just doesn't know it yet'


Okay yes, I know that this is a Damian x reader, but that doesn't mean Tim's gotta be completely out of the picture, right? Anyway I think this is going pretty smoothly but it's 4 a.m. so I'm gonna stop writing now. 

Btw, how does Olivia Devlin sound as a name? Just wonderin'

~Lz :3

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