Chapter Eight | Why

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---Olivia's P.O.V.---

    I slightly gasped at what I saw. Damian kneeling on the floor, shoulders shaking with every breath, back facing me. His face was covered with his hands as was crying at the foot of his bed. On the bed in front of him were picture frames of Elizabeth Ellis, some askew on the floor around him. He obviously didn't hear me knock or enter his room, since he didn't bother to turn around when I stood a few feet behind him. I finally mustered up the bravery to say something.

    "Damian, I need to tell you so-," his head whipped around to face me, finally noticing my presence. He lunged at me, effectively tackling me and pinning me to the ground, his body hovering over mine.

"WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" he screamed directly at me, tears cascading from his face onto mine. I winced at the droplets falling onto my skin.

"I'm try-," I was cut off again.

      "I SPENT TWO YEARS LOOKING FOR YOU! YOU DISAPPEARED FROM THIN AIR! YOU NEVER FACED JUSTICE! YOU KILLED HER AND NEVER TOLD ANYONE WHY! WHY WOULD YOU TAKE HER LIFE AWAY FROM HER?! AWAY FROM ME!" he continued to yell. I knew that the four men outside could hear through the door, but it didn't matter anymore. I don't know what came over me but somehow I used my powers to lift him off of me, and forced him against the wall. His hands were pinned to his sides. As he looked at me is fear, but underlying sadness.

"GO AHEAD! DO IT ALREADY! KILL ME LIKE YOU KILLED HER!" he shouted. I couldn't be patient anymore. I couldn't hold in the truth. Through my blurry vision of tears I finally snapped. I didn't have control over myself. 

"MY NAME IS OLIVIA MARIE DEVLIN, AND I KILLED ELIZABETH ELLIS!" I screamed. Damian looked shocked at my 'confession', but then suddenly cried out in pain and agony. I could hear four more simultaneous pained yells from outside before I fell to the ground in tears and passed out. I could never finish the whole truth.

---Damian's P.O.V.--- 

      I was pinned against the wall by an unknown force. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move my hand or any part of my body for that matter. I couldn't figure out what it was until I saw Olivia walking towards me with her arm outstretched, hair levitating and eyes glowing gold. I was terrified. I used my last breath in my lungs to call out to her,

  "GO AHEAD! DO IT ALREADY! KILL ME LIKE YOU KILLED HER!" I shouted. Her expression grew from calm into angered in an instant. She screamed with all of her willpower.

      "MY NAME IS OLIVIA MARIE DEVLIN, I KILLED ELIZABETH ELLIS!" she shrieked. Her voice boomed through my head giving me an ear-splitting headache. The shock went from my forehead to the tips of my toes, making me yell out in agony. I could hear my brothers' and Bruce's pained screams from outside the door at the same time. Her eyes stopped glowing and her hair returned to fell normal against gravity. The force keeping me against the wall was released. I fell on my hands and knees looking at the ground, desperately trying to catch my breath. She mimicked my actions before passing out cold on the floor. 

I couldn't believe what just happened. 

She confessed.

And she's stronger than I ever imagined.

---Tim's P.O.V.---

All four of us had our ears pressed to the door once Olivia entered. We eagerly awaited the conversation to start. I could still hear Damian's sobs from the other side.

I don't know what happened between them, but if it made Demon Spawn cry, then this is really important.

I heard several thuds from in the room. All I wanted to do was make sure that Olivia was okay, but then I heard something very interesting.


Holy shit. Olivia killed someone? Someone Damian...loved?

Everyone turned to each other with shocked and confused looks. A loud bang was heard and the door shook from the impact.

  "GO AHEAD! DO IT ALREADY! KILL ME LIKE YOU KILLED HER!" I heard Damian screech. I still couldn't believe it. Then I heard the loudest noise I had ever heard in my life,

  "MY NAME IS OLIVIA MARIE DEVLIN, I KILLED ELIZABETH ELLIS!" she responded. Then I had the most painful experience in my life. I looked to the side and could tell I wasn't the only one. After the pain subsided I heard two loud thuds. All four of us barged into the room to find Damian on the floor catching his breath, and Olivia lying down on her back unconscious.

Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God.

What the hell just happened?


Ugh this was so badly written. I'm not to good at making 'dramatic scenes'. I'm just excited for the next chapter though :)

~Lz :3

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