CH2: Red as Blood

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I was honestly,surprised as fuck at what I saw

It Was a girl probably my age,with a weapon,but she's moving so fast I couldn't see it.she was slashing werewolves,except they had beady red eyes and are,well smaller.I saw her to my left slashing away at hundreds of wolves,suddenly a rose petal later,she was in the air,in the moon,I saw her clearly.The girl was wearing a hood,so I couldn't see that,but she was wearing a dress and red boots,and her weapon,it's like a burial blade but ten times cooler.It was red and really long like my hunter's axe but had a curved blade like the B-blade.It had a lever on the side of the middle of the handle,which was bulkier than the upper part,At the base there was a small blade.I was amazed and too busy focused on her in the air to notice the werewolf charging toward me.
Oh,my mistake I think I meant to say
The Alpha
"I'm screwed"
Before I could grab my weapon,it tackled me to the ground.My binoculars flew out and landed in the snow.Usually I would just let myself die and come back,but I don't know if the Hunter's Dream has insurance in snow forest.As the wolf tried to bite me,I used my gauntlets to prevent the teeth from destroying my cranium(Google it)Eventually,it's strength overcame my own and its teeth came sinking into my neck,but I tilted my head and it bit my left shoulder
"ARGGGGHHHH"I groaned  as I used my weak left arm and pulled the trigger on the Pistol I had jumped back,then looked at me
With Blue eyes
You might be wondering "It's must be weak!"
But in my world blue means ether
Tentacle attack
Celestial shots
Meteors falling from the sky 
A lake I can't leave until I die or I beat A DAMN God
So in case you still don't know
Blue means bad
So I get up and turn to little red riding hood,she's too busy slaughtering werewolfs to notice my presence or the fact the Alpha has come to save his pack.i look at the beast.I smile at it as I take out the Beast claws
"Your not the Only beast in this forest"I said as my garb changed into torn clothing,my eyes sewed closed to avoid being consumed,no shoes on, but bandages to wrap around my feet and hands.I detached the claws into 2 very beastly claws,then I activated the beast rune in my body.causing my body to change into a shade of silver,a strong but soft hide came over my body,my short shiver spiky hair grew longer but stopped at my lower back.My eyes were sill sewed closed as the beast claws became my claws.To complete it,I took a beast pellet,which made grey amok emit from my body.I still haven't mastered the transformation,so I can lose control,or I could pass out,or it could change me back into my old self before I even realize hair glowed silver white as I took out a pendant and hooked it on my waist.
Are you a reincarnation of Vicar Amielia?
No,I am not
I was her brother,lemme tell you the tale.
Before my sister,Vicar joined the church to follow Ludwig and the others,we lived in what was called old Yharnam,but was a beautiful place before the Beast took place.we lived with my older brother,Zara and my mother and father.One day,my father told us that we would move to central Yharnam because he got a job opening there.Apon moving,My sisters loyalty to the church got her a top spot on the council,until Ludwig saw her as potential hunter,and trained her,and boy was he right.My sister had the skills to match with my dad and brother who...yes are mother was a church member until that one faithful day everything changed.I was still a bit to young to start killing beast,so my family went to church to watch my sister be crowned as Ludwig's personal Apprentice,when someone shouted."Theirs a beast!"As if almost on target,A hybrid with a hood on,gutted though the window and clawed the man to nothing.a regular hybrid could be put down by 3 expert hunters,but this one had a trait that proved that even with my sister Vicar,Ludwig,Zara and my dad,until it's hood flew off,and I saw it
It had blue eyes,fucking blue eyes
Roll the claps for a fucked up day
You understand why I hate blue now?
If it wasn't bad enough,more blue eyed hybrids hurtled though,slaughtering dad took out an axe,while my brother took out a scythe
"Kato,go with your sister and get out of here"my dad your prabably  expecting a "daddy no please,I'll help"nope,I just ran.not because I didn't love my dad and brother,but because I've seen beast attack before,and I didn't know that my dad and brother couldn't handle a hybrid,because I didn't know what blue eyes thoughts were stabbed by a arm sweep and I was suddenly on Vicar's back
"Kato,snap out of it,we have to get out of here!!"she yelled.Seeing people dying,hunters fighting,I was in a daze taking it all in.all I know is that I never saw my mother,father or brother again
Fast forward to four years later
I'm thirteen now,I was trained to be a faithful day,me and my sister were walking though the cathedral Ward when she took me outside to a well.she looked at me and said"somethings wrong with Ludwig,he will soon turn into a beast,and kill everyone,stay safe"Vicar hurried explained to me
"Wha..."before I could finish,she slammed my head on the frame of the well,and I passed out.what felt like I was about to die,An old man who name I do not recall,administered blood into my body,and I woke up in a clinic
After training to become stronger for three years.I Discovered the way to see my family.they were All trapped in Hunters nightmare,and to release them from the grasp,I had to kill them.Vicar is the one that hurt me,because before I meet her inside. Hunters nightmare.I meet her in the grand cathedral.remember the white dog hug thing?.Now you understand why I hugged her
Back to the present,and for the record,the pendant keeps me in partial-control
I lunged myself at the Alpha and tried to get an Arc slash,but he parried my attack and head butted me,as I screeched back.I beast roared,which is a loud scream that sends things flying,due to this Aplha's strength,it only lost balance,so I charged at it and started scratching it at high speeds,clawing my way into its heart,but no use,my claws just hit the hide like metal
Fucking great
The Alpha wasn't phased by any of it and smacked me in the left side of the arm,the pain from the bite was so strong,I let out a small cry as i was sent flying fourteen yards and into the ground."OW"I said to myself as I got up and ducked under the hook the werewolf tried to give me.I elbowed it in the stomach,grabbed the hook,than flipped him over.As he landed,it adjusted his body to the position where he would be on its feet then launched me into the air.I was 28 meters in the air when I started falling down.I took out my Kirkhammer and I put it on hammer mode
"DIE YOU BLUE EYED BEAST"I shouted as I smashed his head into the ground,rupturing the whole forest,the werewolfs Lil Red was taking care of shook and so did she,she looked over to my side but before she could see me,she rolled away from a charging wolf.I took a look at my opponent.Before i could enjoy my victory,it's body slowly turned into smoke as it evaporated.i turned to see Lil Red being overwhelmed but she was using her scythe as a shield.on all fours,I started running towards her
Do you know what that was?
My heart,the beast mode was at its limit,but with my last strength,I used a beast roar to scare the rest of them away.she looked at me with a crazed look.I can manage to look around if I turn back nowbut before I could say a word,the strong hide and clothing I was wearing evaporated into thin air,as my hunter's garb came back,the claws turned into the Chinkage,and I fell on one knee,using the sword as support as my long hair slowly faded leaving my spiky silver hair.the smoke stopped as I looked up at Lil Red
Ops my mistake again
I didn't see lil Red entirely,I saw only a part of her
The sole of her boot
Before I got booted in the face and passed out on the cold ground.
"Um hey are you ok?" A faint voice said from outside my consciousness.
"Argh,what happend?"I opened my heavy eyes to see my back against a tree.
"Um..I kinda kicked you in the face" a voice said from in front of me.i look up to see a black-red headed girl with silver eyes.we stared at each other for a while before we both said at the same time
"You have silver eyes"we said,as we both kind of turned our heads away as my face glowed red.i turned back to her when I was sure I was back to normal.she offered her hand and I took it and stood up.i was taller than her,but by an inch.i looked around and I was in the wide opening of the forest
"Where am I?"I asked the red girl
"Your in Vale" she replied
"Vale?what year is this?"I asked
"Why it's year 4728"she replied calmly
"Omg I'm went forward in time"I panicked out loud
"Your a time traveler?."the red girl asked
"Well not nec..."I stopped and I pulled her behind me and took out the Ludwig blade.She stared at my weapons,or gauntlets,or really nice fingers i do t know I was focused on what I heard a few seconds ago,I saw someone in all black come out of a purple-ish portal before falling on the ground.I looked at the person,and I saw feathers on their back
(FYI,in the fanfiction she is the same age as Kato)
I put the sword back and I run toward an Injured Ellie.I pick her head up and I listen to her heart beat.its was getting slower,so she was dying.
"I'll call an Airship,I'll pick us up and bring some medics"red head said
"No need for a medic" I said as I searched her pouch for a blood vial,I injected it into her and her pulse started becoming normal.Elle was a girl my height,black long shoulder length hair,pretty hot,and was skilled at her work,they called her Eileen the crow.preety cool name huh,back to the story
"What did you just do,her pulse is back to normal"the red girl asked me in a confused manner.
"I used a blood.."
"BLOOD?!"red head said in shock as she interrupted me.i looked around to make sure it was clear,before I collapse onto the ground.its then that the red headed girl noticed the big bite mark in my left shoulder and the blood that was basically gushing out of it as I passed out.Beside Eileen.

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