Chapter Twenty-Four

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Sakura woke feeling warm and relaxed, surrounded by familiar furs and scents. Her body ached, but it wasn't unbearable, and she waited a moment for her eyes to adjust.
"Oh good, you're awake."
She glanced over, and she frowned in confusion. "Akiho?" She croaked.
The blonde moved to pick up a cup and filled it with water, assisting Sakura with drinking the cool liquid.
"What happened...?" She asked weakly.
"Most of your magic was stripped from your body by the enemy's...contraption, I guess would be the word. Yuna, your husband and a medic found you in time to save your life." She explained. "While he was helping your husband, I was helping with wounded."
"Where is Syaoran?" She asked. "How long have I been out?"
"Roughly sixteen days. Syaoran is just taking care of a few urgent errands. He asked me to sit with you-the medics have their hands full."
Sakura had more questions and Akiho knew that, but she just smiled. "I don't really have the answers you want, I don't think. Yuna or your husband will, though." She said.
She sighed softly. "How did Yuna find me...?" she asked quietly.
"Your bracelet that he gave you was removed. We were worried, and rightfully so." She answered.
"I see..."
Once again, she smiled, "I think Yuna and I will leave tomorrow. We don't feel very comfortable here-too many prying eyes."
"But Akiho..."
She glanced over as Syaoran entered the tent. The young king looked exhausted.
"Good timing-she's awake." Akiho spoke.
Syaoran looked to Sakura and made his way to her side, taking her hand in his.
"How are you feeling?" he asked her softly.
"Sore," she replied.
"Call for me if you need anything." Akiho said as she stood.
Syaoran nodded, "Thank you for your help."
Akiho just smiled before leaving the two alone.

For a while, they sat in silence. Sakura, relieved to be home and in the comfort of Syaoran's presence, and Syaoran just relieved to see Sakura awake.
He squeezed her hand softly. "I'm so sorry I let you down." He apologised.
"What do you mean...?"
"I knew we had a spy in the camp. And I couldn't protect you. I should have, but I couldn't..."
She felt tears slide down her cheeks. "Someone drugged me," she whispered, "I tried to fight-I tried to cry out for help, but no one heard..."
He wiped her tears away and stroked her cheek gently. "I know." He said softly. "Lydia's been arrested."
"What will happen to her?" she asked.
He sighed softly. "She's classed as a criminal now. She'll be taken to a prison in one of the cities under my jurisdiction, where she'll likely spend the rest of her days."
Sakura breathed a heavy sigh and squeezed his hand. She had nothing to say about Lydia.
"I'll go get you something to eat, ok?" he changed topic.
"Questions can wait for now. You need to eat." He said.
"Alright." She relented.

He kissed her softly and then left the tent, returning several moments later with a plate for her. She sat up and glanced at the plate warily but took it from him and ate quietly.
"What's been happening...while I was asleep?" she asked.

He sighed gently. "Well first, we took the general into our custody and interrogated him about the king's whereabouts." He murmured. "When we found him, we were shocked to see him cowering in fear and begging for his life. He was willing to give up anything to save his own skin-and to abandon his people."

Sakura stayed silent. She wasn't surprised, hearing about the king that had tried to use her and kill her, being a coward.

"Is he dead?" she finally asked.
"No." Syaoran replied. "We established a treaty, instead."
"On what grounds?" she asked.
"As long as they stay out of our affairs and our lands, we will do the same."
She frowned. There was surely more to it than that.
Before she could speak, he stopped her. "It is best left at that."
"I have to do what is best for my people. Please try to understand." Syaoran spoke softly.
Sakura nodded. She couldn't complain, if it meant she could live peacefully.
"So... they're just going to sit and behave?" she asked.
"This king will, if he wants to keep his country from being obliterated." Syaoran answered. "For us, it is not hard to do."
His words from earlier were beginning to sink in and she realised how incredibly fragile the peace was.
"I see..." she whispered.

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