Chapter Fifteen

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Warmth and comfort surrounded her body. Sakura could feel soft sheets beneath her fingers and warm blankets. Her mind was hazy, and she wondered if she was back in camp.
"Are you awake?" an unfamiliar voice spoke.
She groaned and opened her eyes, surprised to find herself looking up at a roof of some kind.
"Oh good-I was worried for a moment."

She turned her head and her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing a woman her age with short platinum blonde hair that framed her face with ringlets. Her eyes were azure blue and her skin pale, while her face was a soft oval shape and her cheeks rosy pink. "Have we met...?" Sakura whispered, feeling like she knew this woman's face from somewhere.

The blonde looked at her with mild surprise and then smiled. "You must have me confused with someone else."
She blinked and realised the woman didn't recognise her at all. "I'm sorry..." she apologised.
"It's fine, miss. I found you nearby in a rather bad condition-how are you feeling?" she asked.
"I'm a little sore, but I think I can move..."
"Ah-don't sit up just yet." She said. "Excuse my asking, but are you married to Syaoran, one of the four kings?"
She nodded. "How did you know?"
"The crest on your wedding ring." The blonde confessed.
Sakura lifted her left hand to look at her wedding ring, finding engraved in the surface a small crest. She'd never noticed it before.
"I have your belongings. They're at the end of the bed if you need them." She explained kindly.
"Thank you for taking care of me." Sakura said.

She turned her head and froze with fear as she saw a crystallised plush toy sitting beside her head.

"Ah, that. Yuna made it to siphon off some of the magic your body seems to be absorbing." She explained.
"I don't understand..." Sakura said.
"You seem to be what our kind call a vessel." An unfamiliar voice explained.
The woman looked over and smiled. "Yuna-that was quick."

The man who had entered the room had short black hair and his eyes were a deep shade of violet. He was tall and wore a purple shirt with black pants, and in his hands, he was carrying a tray with some medicine on it.

"A what?" Sakura blinked in confusion.
He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Vessels usually absorb the magic around themselves without being aware of it. Do you know much about magic...? I'm assuming you had lessons when you were younger."
Sakura shook her head. "I grew up in the neighbouring country and was imprisoned when I turned thirteen. I came here a year ago..." she explained.
"I see. Well, vessels are unique and incredibly rare to find. Generally, if they don't learn how to use their magic, their body breaks down over a period of time and they die."
Sakura felt her stomach do an uncomfortable flip. "Um...if that's the case, then how long do I have?" She asked hesitantly.
"Four months at most, I'd say. But if you learn how to control your magic, you should be fine." Sakura gripped the sheet in her hands. She didn't know who could possibly teach her.

"A vessel's body is also compromised when they release sudden and large amounts of magic in one burst. Is that what happened to you earlier?" he asked curiously.
Sakura nodded, "I think so..."
"May I ask your name?"
"It's Sakura." She replied softly.
"Well Sakura, I won't ask you why you're so far away from home, but you're welcome to stay for a little while until you're better." He offered.
"Thank you..." Sakura murmured.
"Would you like something to eat?" the woman asked as she stood.
"Yes, please." She replied.
She disappeared from the room leaving her alone with the man, and she sighed.

A vessel.

It made sense.
She wondered if this stranger could tell her anything else about her abilities.
She never thought she'd find herself wanting to live so desperately. She wanted a life with Syaoran. But that couldn't happen if she couldn't learn how to control her magic.
Something warm slid down her cheek.

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