Chapter Ten

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A familiar and terrifying dream woke Sakura in the early hours of the morning. Her heart raced, and she felt ill. She could still feel her husband's warmth against her skin, but it did little to calm her down. She started shaking.
"It's ok," Syaoran said softly.
Sakura tried to calm herself, to stop shaking but it was useless. Syaoran seemed to understand this as she felt the familiar calming sensation his magic produced. Her breathing steadied and she relaxed.
She closed her eyes, tears sliding down her cheeks, and he gently stroked her hair, lulling her back to sleep.

She woke not long after the sun rose. Syaoran was sitting up, reading what looked like a message or a letter from one of his scouts. He looked over when she moved and smiled.
He set the piece of parchment to the side and moved to lie back down beside her. "How are you feeling?" he asked.
"Better," she replied. "Have you been called away again?" she asked.
Syaoran shook his head, "No. I just received some intel is all."
"What about?"
"Enemy movements."
Sakura frowned, "What will you do?"
"Nothing?" she repeated with confusion.
"I still need to gather more information before making a decision. It could take months, but it's better than rushing in blindly." He answered.
"I guess that's fair." Sakura murmured.

He kissed her temple and held her close. "What is it you dream about?" he asked softly.
She sighed heavily. "The time I was kept prisoner..."
"Don't you have any good dreams?" he asked.
Sakura shook her head.
He squeezed her gently.
She went to pull away, to stand and get dressed, but he held onto her. "Just a little longer." He pleaded.

They relaxed in the sheets as he held her, his hands tracing over some of the scars on her skin.
"Do you remember what I said to you the night you asked me to make you forget?" he asked quietly.
She blinked. "Yes."
"What do you think if your new life so far?"
She smiled, "I'm starting to get used to it."
Syaoran returned her smile, "And what of your family?"
Family? How long had he considered her part of his family? She found herself unable to answer, totally lost for words. It had been a long time since she'd been able to call anyone family, and now the word felt foreign.
Eventually she found her ability to speak. " family is special to me."
"And what do you think of your husband?"
This time she smiled. "You'll always be special to me."

Syaoran smiled. She didn't think she would ever see someone show her such tender care and warmth, but she had been proven wrong many times now. He had always been aware of her needs since the beginning, knew she couldn't trust easily and he accepted that. And yet, he still gave her his time.
Perhaps at first it was only for self-gain, but it was very clear to her that had changed.
"I need you, more than you know." He said softly.
Sakura felt tears slide down her cheeks. "Thank you." She whispered, "For everything."
Syaoran wiped her tears away with his thumb and then kissed her gently. "Anything for you."
"You always ask me if there's anything I want...but is there anything you want?" she asked.
He just smiled. "Not right now, love."

She searched his eyes, finding he was being honest, but there was still something. She wondered what it was.
"What will you do with your day?" He suddenly asked.
"You wanted me to take it easy, so I'm not sure." She answered.
Syaoran sat up and moved to get dressed.
"What will you be doing?" she asked instead.
"I have some matters to tend to. I'll be busy for most of the day, so I probably won't see you until tonight."
"Another thing-please stay away from the black tent." He added before pulling his shirt on.

She guessed he didn't want her to hear or witness anything to do with the prisoners for her own sake. Another part of her wondered if he was keeping anything from her.
"I won't go near it." She replied.
He nodded.
Then, she watched as he picked up the slip of paper from his bedside table and left.

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