Chapter Twenty-One

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They came to a stop in the early evening and set up camp for the night. Exhausted after a long day of travel, Sakura and Syaoran were both relieved when they were finally able to get some sleep. For the most part, things seemed stable and the borders protecting the country were secure.
It wasn't very likely that there would be any attacks anytime soon.
Sakura fell asleep as soon as she hit the sheets, and Syaoran followed not long after.

In the morning Syaoran was already up well before Sakura, who didn't need to be in the medical tent until later that morning. She groaned and rolled onto her side, opening her eyes and sitting up carefully. She pulled on some clothes and slid on her sandals, standing and walking over to the table where her meal was waiting.

Sakura sat down and ate, finishing her fruit and standing to head to the medical tent. As she stepped outside into the bright sunlight, she felt herself become dizzy and a sudden wave of nausea. She stumbled straight back into the tent, putting her hand out to steady herself with the table but fell into it with a loud crash.

Her stomach heaved, and she forced herself to remain calm as her vision started to black out. She knew exactly what had happened, and it terrified her. She dug her nails into the dirt and waited, chest heaving for oxygen, and as she heard footsteps behind her, she turned and threw the dirt into them.
A heavy boot made contact with her ribs and she shouted with pain as she felt the bones shatter.
Something smothered her mouth and any sound she made. Adrenaline and absolute fear made her immediately lash out; her fist made contact with someone's jaw but they persisted with gagging her.
She struggled beneath their weight and they groaned in frustration.
"Shut up!" a woman hissed.
Sakura slammed her hand into the table, smashing something made of glass and cut her hand open.
She hoped, prayed the noise she was making would draw someone's attention.

Tears slid down her cheeks as she finally started to lose consciousness, her movements growing weaker until finally they stopped all together.


Syaoran looked up, distracted from the war council meeting. Whoever had been speaking stopped mid-sentence as everyone noticed their Kings' absence of mind.
"What is it?" Takashi asked curiously.
He knew Syaoran well, for he rarely let anything distract him during important meetings. He was far too focused to allow anything to deter him unless it was of immense importance.

Syaoran looked to his close friend and advisor. "There's something I need to see to. Would you mind taking over?" he asked.
"Go do what you need to do." Takashi replied.
Syaoran left the tent and hurried to the medical tent, finding Meiling and Eriol looking concerned when he entered.
"Sakura hasn't shown up-she's not sick, is she?" Meiling worried.
"I can't sense her presence in camp anymore." Syaoran confessed.
"Have you checked your tent? Maybe she left a note." Eriol replied, referring to when Sakura had left the camp on her own.
Syaoran shook his head, "No." No. She wouldn't do that again. She had promised.
Meiling looked to Eriol and then back to Syaoran, "Do you think this could be to do with..."
"The spy in camp? Possibly. Can either of you spare some time to look with me? You both have sharp eyes and might pick up on details I might not see." Syaoran said.
He looked over as a woman stepped in with a bruised face and split lip.
"I'll tend to her," Meiling said, leaving Syaoran with Eriol.
"Let's go have a look, then." Eriol smiled.

Syaoran glanced at the woman, recognising her to be Lydia, the woman who had caused Sakura so much grief a little over a year ago. Thinking nothing of her injuries, he left the tent with Eriol following behind and headed to his own tent.

As soon as he approached, something felt wrong. He stepped inside, and immediate fear engulfed him.
"This isn't good." Eriol murmured beside him.

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