Chapter Eighteen

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The task of drawing on the spirits of the forest around her was easy to understand, but incredibly difficult in practice. It wasn't the animals that she had trouble with, but rather the trees and water. The trees were quiet and generally just wanted to be left alone to rest; Yuna had explained to her that it was unlikely the trees would react to her calls unless there was something disturbing the peace in the forest.
The water she had a little more luck with. As if sensing what she was, it moved to protect her from threats. Yuna had told her it was likely because there were so few who listened to the spirits around them, and she was one of the few who could hear their voices.

She continued to work hard, trying her best to perfect each exercise she was given, and slowly but surely magic started to come to her with ease. Sakura learned from mistakes quickly and picked up new skills fast, making Yuna's job easier as he trained her over the months.

After blocking one more of his attacks with ease, Sakura and Yuna took a break.
"You're getting a lot better. In a few more months I think you'll be fine on your own." He smiled.
She looked at him with surprise, "So soon?"
"You have a husband waiting for you, right? You can handle your magic quite well now, and I'm sure if you wished to advance your training you wouldn't have much trouble." He explained.
Sakura looked to her hands. She had forgotten how much time had passed. In another two months it would be a full year she'd spent training under Yuna and helping Akiho with making medicines.
"But I don't think I'm ready just yet. I still have so much I need to learn..."
"That's right, you do have a lot to learn, but I have no doubts you'll have any trouble." He smiled. "Keep practicing and you'll do fine."

Sakura fidgeted anxiously. There were two spells she had not perfected yet.

"Well, we should leave for the capital tomorrow since the market festival is coming up." He changed subjects.
"You sell your medicines there?" she asked curiously.
"Yes, we do." Akiho chimed in. She was her usual bright and cheery self, which ironically reminded Sakura of the girls' grim past.
"I don't think I saw you there last year." Sakura confessed.
Yuna smiled slyly, "No, possibly not."
"Were you there?" she asked instead.
"Yes, but I'd be surprised if anyone noticed who I was." He answered. "After dinner we can finish boxing up the medicines."
Sakura thought about his words, feeling completely baffled. Deciding not to focus on it too much, she just smiled. "Alright."

After bathing and eating dinner, Sakura sat in her cotton nightdress as she sorted through the medicines and placed them in the right boxes. They'd been working hard to mix the medicines on time over the last few months, and she hoped they would sell well.
She placed the final jar in the large crate and sat back. It was late.
"You can head to bed now if you'd like. Thank you for your help." Akiho thanked Sakura.
Sakura stood, "Alright...I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Sleep well."
She smiled with amusement, "You too, Akiho. You're going to have a rough time waking up tomorrow morning."
Akiho's cheeks turned red and Sakura giggled.

She closed her bedroom door behind her and looked at the silver bracelet on her wrist that Yuna had given her so many months ago. It was dirty and looked worn down, which she assumed was from the magic it absorbed. She no longer needed the bear that siphoned off excess magic during the night because she could easily use small spells that kept her at a steady level.
The thought of returning home came with anxiety and excitement.
Initially she had planned to go to her former country to try and settle things herself, but during her time with Yuna and Akiho, she had learned that such a plan would surely fail. But there were things that she could do to help her people. Information she knew that no one else did.
She wondered how angry the others were with her for leaving so unexpectedly. She wondered what Syaoran had told them.

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