I sadly look down at my plate, "I don't remember coming here." 

"That's because you were only two my dear." My dad says with his mouth full, earning a stern look from me. 

"Why did we leave Bishop?" 

"Lawless town; your mother and I didn't feel safe around there. Don't ever go there, Maggie." My dad says strongly as he swallows his food. 

I give him a 'really' look, "You know that makes me want to go there, right?" My father gives me a humorless expression, hindering my adventurous mood. "Those people are people you would not do well with." 

"Meaning?" I ask as I raise my fork to my mouth, savoring the delicious flavor of Italy. 

"Meaning they have no mercy for anyone who doesn't look like them," He was referring to the Natives, "And the men would do unspeakable things to you if they laid an eye on your innocent face." 

"Why did you live there then?" I ask as I drink my water. 

His sighs loudly as he wipes his mouth, "It wasn't always that way, your mother and I actually fell in love there." I smile at the mention of my young mother. "Long story short, it started when a group of outlaws decided to make that their hide out. As time passed and no one did anything about it, the gang conquered the town. When they pulled the last straw of setting a fire to the church, that's when mom and I decided to leave."

"Is that why you decided to become a sheriff?" I ask him. 

"Yes, and so I could protect you and your mother" When I look up, I see him staring at me with a look on his face. "Every day you look more alike her." I give him the best loving smile I could fake, I missed my mom incredibly. "Enough with the heavy topics, how are things with you and Ethan..?" He says with a fatherly pain, making me smile lovingly. 

"Really well dad, you don't have anything to worry about." I say light-heartedly as I give him a reassuring grin. 



I admire the fast setting sun as I ride to my beautiful woman's cabin. I smirk to myself as I look at the guitar fasted behind me, she has no idea what is coming to her. We haven't made love since our first time together and my body is aching for her, only her. The girls at the saloon seem not to know that I am no longer a single man, and if they knew I was with Maggie, they wouldn't even look at me. Maggie is one tough lady. 

As I ride up to her cabin, I see lanterns illuminating her house from her windows. I also see her paint horse still running around the round corral with dust flying, she must of just got done working with him. Her horses are something I have never seen before. She is an incredible trainer, I should watch her one day. 

I tie my horse to her hitching post and dismount. I decide to leave my guitar so I can surprise her later. As I reach her door, I open without knocking, deciding I should sneak up on her. I loved to see her face whenever I scared her, it was fun to see her so caught off guard because she is always on her guard for some reason. I made my steps light as I looked around for her. She must be in her room. 

As I hide around the corner I see her emerge from her bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around her body, god damn. I was going to step out from the wall, but then she heads back towards the bathroom. Before she shuts the door I notice a cut on her right leg, triggering my memory, going back to the night I almost caught The Ghost. 

My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I remember The Ghost had identically cut her right leg, in the same exact spot. Then I remember The Ghost's eyes. Even in the darkness, they sparkled with unbelievable beauty. Her eyes were the reason I lowered my gun, the criminal had blown me away. Even with the rag hiding most of her face, and with her long hair blowing into the wind, I could tell she was beautiful beneath the rag. 

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