fern davidson

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fern violet davidson
twenty two years young
mental condition: schizophrenia
fc: kehlani
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fern has never really had the best life compared to others. her parents neglected her, and her real mother actually died when she was only two years old because she was ill. her father got remarried when she was nine and completely forgot all about her, which meant she was left to care for herself.

at around seventeen she got really into drugs and was a complete addict. she hated what she was doing and she knew it was wrong but she just couldn't stop. she was like that for years, until she was around twenty and her friend discovered her addiction and helped put her into a rehab.

while she was in the rehab they diagnosed her with schizophrenia. her symptoms would be, delusions and hallucinations, she would hear and see things that weren't really there. she also has disordered thinking and lack of emotional expression.

she is now currently living in an apartment with her best friend, the same one that got her into rehab. she helps her with regulating her medication and making sure she takes it but not too much, since she still is a recovering addict. she keeps to herself and doesn't go out much, fearing that she might have an episode out in public by herself.

biographiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora