ember nelson ☁

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ember ross nelson
eighteen years young
mental condition: bipolar disorder
fc: sighmike
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ember grew up in a very loving and caring family and he does have a rather small family, with just his parents, older brother and him. his parents are doctors so he's never had to worry about things financially and he's always had it fairly good in life at least.

throughout his school life he was always known as the sweet boy that was loved by everyone. he didn't have a violent or angry bone in his body and he was nice to everyone, matter who they were or where they came from, and for the most of the time, that's how he still is to this day.

however when he was fourteen he discovered his bipolar disorder, which didn't come to a huge shock because both his mother and older brother have it, so it was likely he would have it too. his symptoms depend on his moodswings that a occur, which is actually very rapid, one moment he could be his usual self, and other times it hard to even get him out of bed in the morning.

ember is currently a senior and is still the school's sweetheart and is loved by absolutely everyone. he still struggles with his bipolar and he has some rough days but he gets through it and that's all that matters, at least that's what he always tells himself at the end of the day.

biographiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora