Chapter Five

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"Okay, I need you to bite on this squeaky toy for me." Jaehyun held the toy in front of me, which I followed, chomping onto it. "I'm gonna dab some alcohol on the scratches, so this is gonna hurt a bit, so I apologize beforehand." Jaehyun grabbed a cotton ball, pouring some alcohol on the ball before wiping the areas.

I winced from the stinging sensation. Who know so many small cuts could cause a whole lot of pain!? Oh wait, I did. "Almost done, and there!" Jaehyun calmed me down, wrapping my knees and arms with several bandages.

"Thanks, Jaehyun. You remind me of a dear friend of mine." I smile at him as he chuckled, asking, "Really? And who is this person you hold so dearly?" I giggle at his little joke, replying to him, "His name is Jun-seo and his adorable little brother, Jihyun. I've known them for what it seems like forever!"

Jaehyun smiled at my sudden burst of joy and happiness. "They seem like nice people. It would be great to meet them sometime." Jaehyun grinned as I chirp, "Definitely! I think that they'll be proud of me for making some new friends." "Wait, why would they be proud? Do you have a difficult time making friends?" Jaehyun asked, curious about my past statement.

"Yeah, I'm not a very, well, sociable person. I have anthrophobia, so it's hard for me to make new people, so I was homeschooled my whole life, but I actually wanted to go to college, so I literally begged my mom to come here." I explained, feeling rather embarrassed about my phobia.

"Were you nervous to meet us?"Jaehyun questioned, worried if he should continue to ask questions furthermore. "Yeah, I won't lie, I was terrified. Especially with BTS, I always feel like the air is suffocating around them." I admitted sheepishly, not making direct eye contact with Jaehyun.

"Well, I'm glad that I'm better than those assholes." Jaehyun bloated as I laughed at him. "Oh my gosh, stop!" I cracked up into a big laughing fit. "What, I'm only taking your words, and making me sound better." I started to laugh even more, as Jaehyun joined along with me as the two of us laughed together.

"You need to stop, or I'm gonna die of laughter!" I giggled lightly as Jaehyun managed to calm himself down. "Okay, okay. I'm done, but my stomach hurts now." Jaehyun breathed out, rubbing his forehead.

"Shouldn't you two be in class? Skipping is bad, you know." Taehyung asked, with a hint of anger laced into his voice. "Fixing several injuries that your group of friends caused." Jaehyun moved me away from Taehyung, but he continued to watch my every movement, making my breathing slightly uneven, and my heartbeat was increasing in speed.

"I heard about the scene you caused with Jimin and Jungkook, and I'm rather disappointed in your behavior." Taehyung sighed, glaring at Jaehyun, "It must be his fault. Dragging you along to hang out with his friends." I clenched my teeth, furiously speaking, "No, don't bring my friends into this! I don't want to be forced into subduction by you!"

Taehyung snickered, moving closer to me. "Baby, you don't have much of a choice in the matter." "And who says that!?" I retorted back fiercely. I was taken aback by my own words, but at this point, I was going to give him a piece of my mind.

"Me." Taehyung snapped, wrapping his hand around my chin, forcing me to face him. "Stop touching him! You know that's assault already, Taehyung. I thought you were smarter than that." Jaehyun huffed, trying to pry him off of me.

"And you'd be smart enough to keep yourself out of business that doesn't concern you. Now, leave us alone, or I'll make you." Taehyung threatened him. I gave Jaehyun a look, signaling him to leave, and with that, he left.

"Now, my little prince-" "Don't call me that." I interrupted him, but he took a deep breath and continued, "It seems that my little prince has been quite disobedient, and rather snappy." Taehyung continued, pushing me back onto the bed. Taehyung pinned my hands above my head as I struggled to loose grip. "Let me go, you jerk!" I yelled, trying to kick him off of me.

"The things I could do to you." Taehyung murmured, taking off his neatly done tie, and started to tie it tightly around my wrists. Taehyung lifted up my shirt, and started to kiss up my stomach all the way to my jawline. "Taehyung, stop!" I managed to land a kick on him in the chest, but it was as if he didn't feel it.

"Your body..." Taehyung was speechless. He adored everything that your body had to offer him. "I'm gonna shop some stuff for you once we're finished." Taehyung muttered, pulling down my pants to reveal my boxers, and he was enraged. No reaction to his touch, no gigantic bulge, yearning to be touched. As if he was inferior to me.

"How!? No, wait, it just needs a little touch, that's all." Taehyung groped the clothed bulge, causing me to flinch, and to make a strange sound. I was shock, and immediately turned away from him. I heard a deep, throaty chuckle from Taehyung as he moved away from me.

"So cute. Sadly, I have business to attend to. I'll see you later at the dorm." Taehyung waved, exiting the office as I glared at the door. "Ugh, I hate every single one of them." I groaned, cleaning myself up. Once I was finished, I decided to just calm myself down and call Jun-seo.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jun-seo greeted through the phone. "N-nothing. I just really missed everyone back home, and I wanted to chat with someone. To feel less homesick, you know?" I laughed a very fake laugh. I wanted to vent to him, wanted to beg for someone to come here to help me. But I couldn't put my issues upon another, it's just wrong.

"Hey, I know that I just randomly called you, but I have to go. Sorry to bother you today." I hung up the call, before he questioned anymore. I slumped against the nearest wall in the room, and sighed.

Why me?

How could I be so unlucky?

And what did I even do to deserve this?

Why was I put in a situation to force myself to be so unhappy?

I felt the tears begin to stream down my face. I was sexually assaulted, and I was afraid to even tell the people that I trust the most. "I hate this! The one time I try to put myself out in the open, rather than keep myself locked in the house!" I weeped, huddling into a small ball.

"I heard that you were in here." I heard Namjoon's soft voice, making me look up. "Was Taehyung too forceful? I'm sorry for the makane line in my behalf." Namjoon reached down, and softly caressed my face. He began to delicately wipe my tears away as I continued to cry, unable to stop my high of emotions.

"I-I just want to sleep." I whimpered, holding myself together. Namjoon nodded, scooping me up into his arms. I was hesitant about it, but it was a lot better than the dorms. I snuggled up against his chest, and allowed him to run his hands softly through my hair as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear.

How bittersweet.

End of chapter! I am so very sorry for the late update babies! My mom's wedding is coming up, and I'm a bridesmaid, so I've been preparing for it ever since I've came home, so I'm sorry! July has been a very busy month this year, but I'm trying to send these out as fast as possible.

But besides that, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter sweeties and I'll see you in the next!

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