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College, the wildest years of our lives. But gets a little bit more interesting when you live with the biggest fuckboys in school. They're cute, and you're gay? Man, you're looking for hell. And I'm put inside of that situation. Grab some popcorn, towels, and some tea, because I'm about to spill it all. Oh, and the name's [M/N] by the way. It's definitely important to know. Now, let's start from the very beginning, the calm before the storm.


"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Ma, I got in!" I squealed, with the letter of acceptance in hand. Why am I cheering, you may ask. Well, BigHit University, my dream college, just accepted me into their four-year program. "Good job, sweetie! I knew you could do it!" My mom, my biggest fan, cheered for me as I grinned with joy. This was literally the happiest day of my life. "I have to tell all of my friends!" I beamed, rushing upstairs to my bedroom. Oh and friends? Psh, none. Well, you can count my one friend, Jun-seo.

"Jun-seo! I have some amazing news, almost too good to be true!" I proclaimed, holding onto my phone tightly. "Shh! My lil brother is sleeping." He whispered angrily on the line as I apologized before I remember why I actually called him. "Hyung, put on the face time!" I pleaded. Hearing a sigh in reply meant a yes, so I cheered in delight as I saw the screen change only to see Jun-seo, shirtless, allowing us to see the various tattoos that were implanted across his skin. Definitely a breathtaking sight to behold of.

"What is it? I'm sleepy and I haven't got all day." He groaned, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "I just got accepted into BigHit University, for taking Piano and Theater!" I babbled as I saw Jun-seo's face immediately light up from joy. "That really is amazing, [M/N]! We should celebrate with Jihyun! He's missed you since our last trip." Jun-seo grinned happily as I felt myself smile along with him.

Jihyun was the sweetest little boy that you could ever meet, and it was always a delight to be around him. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot. Can you come over for dinner? My mom misses you guys too, and she's making homemade dinner." I insisted as Jun-seo chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know, should we?" He teased, biting his lip piercing, and god, that always turns me on. "Y-yeah, you two should!" I murmured, feeling a blush rising upon my cheeks while Jun-seo laughed at my flustered state.

"Alright, we'll head over right away. Just let me wake the little fella up, alright?" Jun-seo waved goodbye as I hung up the phone. "I should tell her that we'll be expecting guests." I hoped off of my bed, and ran downstairs. "Ma, Jihyun and Jun-seo are coming over, is that alright?" I asked, looking over the staircase only to see her at the stove with the 'kiss the cook' apron on as she was boiling some pasta on the stove. "Sweetie, you know that they're always welcome here!" Mom exclaimed, a lot more energetic. "Perfect, thank you so much, mom!" I thanked, running by her, and hugging her side.

She chuckled, kissing my forehead gently as she replied, "No problem, now, could you please help me with dinner by cutting those onions?" I nodded, grabbing the cutting board, and began to cut up the vegetables.

Cooking was my mom's passion, and she uses it to support me with her little food truck she drives around the neighborhood. Foods delight, and everyone in town loved our family, just me and my mom. "[M/N], hurry up with those vegetables!" "O-oh, yes ma'am!"

T I M E - S K I P

"Finished, finally finished!" I sighed with relief as I heard a knock on the door. "Oh, that must be them! I'll go get the door!" I called out as I rushed to the door, opening it only to reveal Jihyun tackling me into a hug. "[M/N]! [M/N]! I missed you so so much!" Jihyun cried, snuggling into my chest. I giggle, ruffling with his hair as I chirped, "It's great to see you too, Jihyun! How have you been?" He smiled up at me, ranting, "Oh, I've been playing with a lot of friends I've met in the neighborhood!"

"That's wonderful!" I cheer, holding him in my arms as Jun-seo looked down at the two of us, smiling slightly. "Hey [M/N], long time, no see." He chuckled, lending a hand as I gladly accepted, murmuring a 'thank you' in the process. "So, where's your mom?" Jun-seo asked, holding Jihyun's hand. "You know that she's getting all dressed up for-"

"There you guys are! My sweet children!" Mom yelled, embracing them in a bone-crushing hug. "You. Right on cue, ma." I finished, laughing at the two as Jihyun cheered, "Hello! I missed you too!" Mom soon let the two go as she teased, "What are you guys standing around for? Let's eat!"

We all rushed to the table, pulling up a chair, and cherishing the meal we had with one another. We talked about embarrassing memories, and future plans, like a family. And that made my heart ache a little, I mean, I'm leaving the very next day, but at least I'll have Jun-seo there with me for college.

But even that thought couldn't push away that feeling of sadness. Leaving my mother behind was the last thing I wanted to do, but I know that my mom would want the best for me, even if it hurt herself in the process. I felt tears swell up in my eyes just thinking about it. "[M/N], are you okay, sweetie?" Mom asked, shuffling over to my side as fast as possible.

The table had some tension, but I didn't care. My feelings were overwhelming me, and at that point, I couldn't control it. "Ma, I'm gonna miss you so much! I don't wanna leave your side, but I know that I have to!" I confessed, trying to wipe my tears away. I felt my mother's warmth envelope me as she hugged me softly. Soon, Jihyun and Jun-seo followed as we all cried with each other.

Yeah sure, leftover dinner went cold, but in that moment, nothing else mattered, and it was just the four of us, like a family.

T I M E - S K I P

Today was the day, the day that I leave my home for good, and become a young adult. I packed up all my important items and clothing, since I'll be sharing a dorm another person, so that should be enough.

"Ma, I got all of my stuff together!" I told her as I faced the closed door, almost as if it symbolized my last time stepping inside of this house as a child, but now an adult. Memories of me and my mother came, once again, but this time, I couldn't help but smile.

"[M/N], you go make a difference in this big world. Never forget that you have something special, and that I will always be there for you. Never lose hope, and never let others bring you down. You are your own person, so don't let anyone change you. But most of all, I love you so much, sweetie." She smiled, kissing my forehead softly before I spoke, "Ma, I love you too. I promise to live up to your expectations." I hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go.

She released me from her grasp and waved to me farewell, and I looked back at her once more, but after that, I just kept moving forward with a purpose. I placed the last of my belongings in the car, and I drove off to my new campus.

NEW SMUTTY STORY FOR THE GUYS! I hope that you enjoy my brand new story, and hopefully, you'll stick around! Love you, my babes and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter!

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