Chapter 12

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The days after the reveal seeing each other was all me and Min could talk about. He would keep asking how I look like and what would we do after the concert. He was persistent, but in the end we decided that we wouldn't show how we look before the concert. We wanted to surprise each other. Min even got me a VIP ticket so I could go backstage after the show and see him. When I asked him how would I know it's him, he just assured me that I would know when I see him. I trusted him so I just agreed.

Min even told me that BTS themselves we're excited to meet you. When I first heard that, I didn't believe it one bit and just laughed it off. He told me that they really took a liking to me and wanted to meet "the one who could make him like this", in his words. I didn't know what he meant but I just went with it.

"Wow, they actually want to meet me??!"

"Yes, that's what I said haha"

"I-I can't believe this..."

And with that, our daily talk about BTS started.

The days went by, and the day of the concert came in the blink of an eye. I couldn't text Min that day, cause he was busy with the preparations but I didn't mind. I would get to see him in a few hours anyway. I don't know why but I was nervous yet excited.

Little did I know, someone was feeling the same.

~at the arena where the concert is held~

"Come on man, we're about to start!"

"Yea yea I'm coming just hold your horses."

I was a bundle of nerves. I was finally going to meet her. Yes, I was happy and I couldn't wait, but at the same time, I was nervous about what she would think of me.

"What? Nervous about meeting the girl you love?" He snickered. The rest laughed as well.

"Shut up I don't love her!" I shouted.

"Whatever you say..." One of them trailed off.

"Well, come on then, rehearsal is about to start, we gotta get on stage" Another one said.

"Let's go then." I stood up and walked off to the stage

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