Chapter 6

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"Hey, you okay?"

I stood frozen in the middle of the street.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine."

I picked up my phone and continued talking with my friends. After I got home I rushed up the stairs to my room and flopped on the bed.

I still haven't responded to his text.

I mean, how should I even respond? It's been a year. Things are bound to be awkward between us. I still don't even know why he suddenly stopped texting me. Its like he vanished off the face of the Earth.

I didn't text him back that day.

I was still contemplating on whether I should actually respond to him.

The next day, I was completely zoned out. I didn't pay attention at school and tuned out all my friends. Min was all I was thinking about. Min and the text.

Why so suddenly? Why, after a year, he texts back? And what does he say? A simple "Hey"?!

I was angry now.

How dare he? How dare he just come back after disappearing for an entire year and thinking that everything's going to go back to normal!

I wanted answers, and I was gonna get them.

That day, after school, I once again rushed up to my room and layed down on my bed. I grabbed my phone and opened Mins text.


There it was, haunting me at the back of my mind for the past two days.

I finally texted him back.

After a year, this very weird friendship, if you can even call it that, is continuing.

"You've got some explaining to do."

Internet Friend (Min Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now