Chapter 4

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I did not expect that.

Now, I was confused. He was related to one of the members? That still doesn't explain why he wants to know about them so much. He already knows everything! This just confused me even more...

After that confession, he apologised to me and explained his situation.

I wanted to be angry at him for not telling me because here I was talking about them like they're some gods and he was probably laughing at me thinking I'm some weirdo who stalks them 24/7.

But at the same time, I understood why he had to hide it. He probably didn't want to be seen differently just because he was related to BTS who was dominating the world right now. He wouldn't have a moments peace with all the paparazzi and cameras everywhere. He wouldn't have any privacy. Even though the ARMYs are polite and understanding, not every fan is like that. As they say 'There's a difference between a fan and an ARMY'.

"I'm so sorry for not telling you, I just couldn't risk it that early in our friendship."

For some reason, I felt a small pang in my heart when he said friendship, bit I dismissed it. It was probably just my mind playing tricks on me.

"It's ok. I understand, you don't have to apologise anymore. I get where you're coming from, I wouldn't want to be swarmed with cameras either."

"Thank you for understanding."

It was smooth sailing from then on. We talked like nothing happened and the confession was never mentioned.

He was grateful that I didn't treat him any differently and I didn't plan to. He was still Min and nothing could change that.

"We'll always be friends, right?"

Once again, I felt that small pang. And once again, I dismissed it.

"Of course Min, always."

And I believed that.

That is, until a year after, when he suddenly disappeared.

Internet Friend (Min Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now