Chapter 1

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It was late at night and i was once again texting my friend from Korea. I should probably be sleeping but i didn't care. It was around 2am and i was sitting in bed just texting him.

I met him about 2 years ago when i stumbled upon his account. I became curious and checked it out. He was really talented in music and i became interested. I followed him and checked for new posts all the time.

A few months later, I decided to try and text him. I mustered up all my courage and sent the first text.


I was so nervous. Would he respond? Would he even see my message? Then i heard a ding. It was my phone. I had a new message. I stared for a good minute before i actually saw the message. He has responded.


And then we got on like a house on fire. We talked all the time and learned new things about each other every day. I learned that he was about my age and lived in Korea. I told him about my secret obsession with the kpop group BTS. He was genuinely interested in them and he didn't judge me because i listened to them.

When i told him my bias was Yoongi, he seemed really glad about it. It was a bit strange but I just let it go. Maybe he also liked him.


Internet Friend (Min Yoongi)Where stories live. Discover now