Chapter 11

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After that entire fiasco, me and Min continued our daily routine. We often texted each other and talked about everything and nothing. Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to talk with BTS again. But I didn't push my limits, I knew i was lucky to even text them in the first place. Plus, with their new album coming out, Love Yourself: Tear, they were preparing for a new tour. ARMY still didn't know where they were gonna perform. I so badly wanted to ask Min about it, but I knew I couldn't, that would seem like I was using him.

Min still kept asking me about Suga, as a matter of fact he seemed even more interested now. Every day without fail he would get me to talk about him and Bangtan. And I would do so with pleasure.

Today was the day the cities in which BTS would perform would be revealed. I was so ecstatic i was squealing and ranting to Min about the possibility that they could come here, since they were finally performing in Europe. He calmly listened to me and told me that he secretly wanted that as well. when I asked him why, he replied with a simple answer.

"Because, if they perform in our city, I would get the chance to meet you, since I'm also coming along on the tour."

That moment, my heart stopped for a second.

We would see each other in person?

For some reason, I got strangely excited. The possibility or me ever seeing Min in person never crossed my mind. But now, I hoped with all my heart that they would perform here.

Then, I got the notification.

The cities vere revealed.


I could tell that he was anxious and excited too.

"I better book a ticket as soon as possible"


"Haha yea! They're performing here!"

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