Shantelle POV (50)

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My life was pretty messed up, i was literally going through it all like a zombie nothing made sense to me anymore. I was tired of waiting for Brandon's plan, i just wanted to be with him and not let go.
Do you want to talk about it? I would help you do anything even if it means helping you to elope with Brandon, Elena said.
On one hand i don't want to argue with my mom, on the other hand there's Brandon i am just confused on what to do.
I truly understand, you're going through too much and there's nothing i can do to make you feel better, just follow your heart it will guide you to make the right decision, Elena said.
I know and i appreciate you sticking by my side even when i was rude to you, thank you so much Ella.
Hey that's what friends do for each other, i will always stick by you in good and bad situations, i know you don't mean most of the things you say when you're upset, Elena said.
Hold on Ella, Trisha is calling me, yes Trish what is wrong? You sound frantic, i hope there's no problem. What? What do you mean Shaun was rushed to the hospital? Okay i am on my way.
Let's go i will drive, what could be the problem? He was alright today when i saw him, Elena said.
I am not thinking straight right now, let's just get there then we find out.
Relax i am going as fast as i can, try to calm down if something is wrong with Shaun, he wouldn't want to see you like this, Elena said.
I know but i just can't relax that's my only brother we are talking about, i will calm down after knowing he's alright.
We are here, go ahead while i find a spot to park, i will find you there, Elena said.
Hello nurse, i am looking for a patient that was rushed here just a couple of minutes ago, his name is Shaun Mathews.
Shan, it's good you are here please follow me, it doesn't look good, i don't want to lose him, Trisha said in tears.
What did the doctor say? And no one is losing anyone, first calm down Trish and tell me what happened.
The doctor said he will tell us when the whole family is around, i called Mitch too your mom is with him now. He was at work then he felt weak and fell unconscious so they rushed him here and called me, Trisha said.
Oh my God, i hope it is nothing serious, Shaun is a fighter he will survive this, let us be positive this is strange since he was never sick before.
Did they tell you what's wrong with him? Mitch called and said he's on his way, the traffic is too much, Elena said.
Not yet we are waiting for everyone then Dr. Fabian Reeves will tell us what's wrong, only Mitch is left then we go in, Trisha said.
Hey guys, what happened to Shaun? Mitch said in between gasps, it seems he ran from his car till here.
Finally you're here, let us go to the doctor's office, he's waiting for us and Shan help me get mom from Shaun's room, it is 207 thanks, Trisha said.
Okay Trish, we will find you guys there, i won't take long.
Mom, please don't do this to yourself, Shaun wouldn't want to see you in this state, let's go the doctor wants to talk to us.
Look at my baby, all in machines i even don't know if he will survive this, i can't even do anything to save him from the pain he's going through, Caitlyn said.
Mom, the sooner we go and talk to the doctor, the better chances of us saving him, he will survive this i know he's a fighter and we all won't give up on him.
You're right Shan, let's go find out what is really wrong with him, i believe he will fight hard not to leave us, his son and his wife, Caitlyn said.
That's the spirit mom he needs us to be strong, and comfort his family while he is in the hospital.
Come in the door is open, someone who i presume is the doctor said.
Since all of you are here, i want you to be calm before i tell you his diagnosis from the tests i took on him, Dr. Fabian Reeves said.
Just tell us what the tests say and stop beating around the bush, what is wrong with my husband? Trisha said.
Well as you wish madam, his kidneys are both damaged and he will need a transplant as soon as possible, for now we can only observe him, Dr. Fabian Reeves.

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