Chapter 5

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Shan, your phone has been vibrating for sometime, calls and messages from Tyler, Jack, Serena. They called to ask how you're doing, i think you should text them back, Elena said.
I will text them later, let me first block and delete Tyler's number and i need to rest. I don't know how i am going to cope at school with everyone knowing what happened.
Okay babe, i have arranged your room while you were talking to your mom, so you rest while i am downstairs. Don't worry about what people will say, it is not your fault and the video was deleted i heard Shaun told Chloe to put it down, Elena said.
Thanks Ella, you're the sister i have always wanted, i will just continue with my life and pick up the pieces. Shaun is really something, i haven't seen him since morning i wonder where he is.
Pleasure is all mine Shan, you don't need to thank me. Shaun kind of went to confront Tyler though he will be home soon, Elena said.
What? I hope Shaun doesn't get into trouble because of me, you know him when he gets mad and he didn't have to go through all that.
Don't worry about him, he went with Mitch i don't think they will get into trouble, and you know your brother loves you so much to let this slide easily, you rest now, Elena said.
If you say so babe and i love Shaun i appreciate everything, i will talk to him when he gets back.
How is she now? Is she resting because we need to tell you how it all went, Shaun said.
She's coping though i am worried about her, she is resting now and she was asking about you, Elena said.
All she needs is time to heal her wounds, we need to give her all the care and attention she needs. We confronted Tyler and i got into a fight with him, we have cut ties with him, Shaun said.
I could tell with the bruises on your face, what do you think your mom is going to say? You know she hates violence, and she's right it doesn't help, Elena said.
Ella you should see Tyler's face, Shaun pounced on him and disfigured his face, he deserved it all and no one saw us so don't worry, Mitch said.
When it comes to my sister, i can do anything to anyone who hurts her and we told him we ain't his friends anymore, if he's not careful he will get off the team, Shaun said.
Huh in all honesty, he deserves what you guys did to him, good thing you didn't kill him and he was here earlier to talk to Shan, Elena said.
Let her not worry about him coming back here again, we warned him and if he does, he won't like what will come his way, Mitch said.
I will go clean up before my mom notices anything, you guys have some catching up to do, i will be down in a bit, Shaun said.
So, what is Shaun talking about? I don't remember us making plans today, Elena said.
Well, i told him about our time together yesterday, i have never felt that happy with a girl in a long time like i did with you. You're a special person Elena, i know this is not the right time to ask you this but it has been on my mind since, will you go out on a date with me? Mitch said.
I'm glad you had fun with me, i had a great time too and i would love to go out with you but after Shan gets out of her shell and on one condition, Elena said.
Hmm i see i get your point and i agree with whatever you say. So, what is the condition my lady? Mitch said.
I get to choose where we go for the date, is it okay with you? Elena said.
Perfect, i can't say no to that though the second date it will all be me. And can i pick you tomorrow, we go to school together, Mitch said.
Cool then, who says there will be a second date Mitch? Yeah u can pick me up and Shan will go with us, Elena said.

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