Chapter 23

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I can't believe i just agreed to that stupid idea of Ella now i have to make it look like i will go with their plan but it will be done before they know it.
Hey Shan, as your back here alone, are you fine dear, Aunt Claire asked.
Oh i was just tired and the heat was too much, i am fine Aunt i will just go rest for a bit.
Ohh okay dear, i will let your mom know she's in the kitchen, Aunt Claire said.
Thanks Aunt i didn't see Kathleen since morning, where's she?
Your welcome dear she was tired from the long journey she's in the room sleeping, Aunt Claire said.
Okay then i will let you get back to what you were doing.

I didn't understand where the noise was coming from, i woke up with a slight headache, i could hear music outside it was so loud. I found Kathleen beside me tapping me with her adorable smile, i had completely slept off i guess the journey wore me out too.
It is good your awake Shan, Ella told me to tell you to freshen up, the party is about to begin, Kathleen said.
Oh okay baby thank you so much i will do just that.
Shan hurry up i do your makeup, then we head to the party, everyone is waiting for you, Trisha said.
Alright am done i was looking for my maroon heels, i want little makeup not too much thanks Trish.
Oh don't worry trust me i got this, you will love it when am done and your welcome, Trisha said.
Wow Trish this looks great i never tied my hair in that style, it goes well with my makeup.
I told you, you would love it, your ready to go have fun? Trisha said.
Thanks again, yeah i am ready let's go party.
My baby is here, everyone get closer, wow you look beautiful princess your now a big gal, Donovan said.
Thanks Dad what time did you get here? I thought you weren't coming i am glad your here.
Always my princess, i got here while you were resting i wouldn't miss your day for anything in the world, Donovan implied.
Sweetie, you look beautiful in that dress your growing too fast though just yesterday you were my little gal, Caitlyn said.
Mom your making me teary now in front of everyone i will always be your little gal thanks so much mom.
Everyone the birthday gal is here, my lovely sis, we shall do speeches later, the cake first, Shaun said.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Shan, you look like an angel happy birthday to you, how old are you now, everyone sang out loud.
I am 18 years now thanks so much guys.
Make a wish, Elena told me as i blew the candles. I wished that some day life may smile at me again and i find happiness.
Hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray i heard Klaus, Julian, Nick, Jack and Dylan shout.
After the speeches were done, i opened up the dance floor with my dad i was so happy he made it i know he's a busy man but he sacrificed time for me.
Shan, follow me Ella is waiting for you, Serena told me.
Ohh sure let us go, why did she send you though don't tell me it's about that guy.
Well you will see in a minute, haha maybe just wait and see for yourself, Serena said.
There she is, thanks Serena, Shan this is Luke, and Luke this is Shantelle though we call her Shan, Elena said.
Nice to meet you Shantelle, you have a lovely name, Luke said.
Nice to meet you too Luke, thanks you can call me Shan.
Okay then we shall leave both of you to it, see you around Shan, Elena said with a mischievous grin.
Happy birthday by the way i got you a little gift i didn't know what you liked, Luke said.
Thanks Luke though you didn't have to go through the trouble.
Your welcome Shan it was no trouble, i heard so much about you from your friends, i would like to know you better if you don't mind, Luke said.
Ohh don't believe whatever they said, they like to say too much sometimes i don't really mind it is okay.

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