Shantelle POV (36)

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I was so tired and exhausted, on my way to lunch earlier i ran into the king of arrogance Ricardo, i don't get why that jerk doesn't just leave me alone. It is good i put him in his place and walked out on him, i was back in my office all swamped up in work i didn't even realise when it clocked 4pm. I heard Ella at my door, i grabbed my things and followed, we were going to meet the new client at his office.
How was your first day? Mine was pretty good i didn't expect it to go this well, Elena said.
I was about to answer her when i saw Brandon in all his glory looking handsome as usual storming off, i guess he had a bad day. Did you just see him Ella? He looked angry i wonder what happened.
I know he sure didn't look fine but that's not new when it comes to him, he rarely smiles but you could tell something was off, Elena said.
So true i think he's having one of those days, anyway was day was not that bad just exhausting. I don't know why i was affected by the state i saw him but he's my boss so whatever affects him affects me that's all.
Haha so true but he will be fine, do i sense someone acting concerned? Whose day wasn't tiring i think that will be like a daily thing, Elena said.
What, of course not, he's my boss i was just curious you know, it is nothing of that sort. Haha i know we should just be prepared for the worst case scenario each day.
Hmm if you say so but i know you, i know when you care about someone, we are almost there at Mr. Xavier's office, Elena said.
Whatever you are wrong this time, i just want this meeting to end so that i can rest i badly need my bed.
Haha if you say so babe, it will take about half an hour, he's just telling us what he wants then we will see him again next week, i know me too, Elena said.
Oh i see that is okay then, i am sure he will love what we will do for him.
Good afternoon Miss, my name is Elena Whitely and this is Shantelle Mathews we are from T.A Group of Companies, we are here to see Mr. Xavier Brown, Elena said.
Good afternoon Miss Elena and Miss Shantelle, Mr. Xavier was expecting you please follow me, Mary the secretary said.
Thank you Mary, please get me a cup of coffee and for the women too. Your welcome ladies to my humble office, Mr. Xavier Brown said.
Okay Sir, i will be right back, Mary replied.
Thanks to you Sir for giving us a chance to work with us, we won't disappoint.
Your welcome Shantelle please call me Xavier if you don't mind, we are acquaintances now, Mr. Xavier Brown said.
She's right Xavier we appreciate you choosing us instead of our competitors, Elena said.
Well a good friend of mine referred me to you ladies, he told me your the best in that department and i decided to give it a shot, Mr. Xavier said.
Really, do we know the friend in question so that we can thank him for referring you to us if you don't mind.
Of course you both know him, he's the owner the company your working at, Brandon told me he knew someone who was very capable and competent, Mr. Xavier Brown said.
What? But he didn't tell us anything, i can't believe this, we shall thank him in person, Elena said.
Yes you should, i just got back from Milan and bought a mansion, he was the first person i called if he knew any competent interior designer so yeah. So these are the copies of the mansion in different positions, do you think you can do it? Mr. Xavier Brown said.
Oh sure we will, it is a nice place Xavier, i am sure we can do that, is one week enough or you need it done before that.
Thank you Shantelle, i have eyes for nice stuff, well one week is perfect, thank you both for coming through on short notice, Mr. Xavier Brown said
Great then Xavier, we will send you a draft in the mid week and you tell us what you think, then we go ahead, we were honored your a well known business man and we couldn't turn down that offer, Elena said.
It was nice meeting you both, i hope to recommend some of my contacts to you, and thanks again i will see you soon, Mr. Xavier Brown said.
The pleasure was ours Xavier, we promise to deliver and thanks in advance, see you soon.
Wow that went well, i thought you said Brandon was an arrogant jerk he sure doesn't sound like one and what he did just confirmed what i said at first, Elena said.
I know we got it, well that was my first impression of the guy i didn't know this side of him and what is that you have confirmed?
Hmm okay if you say so then i will believe you, Brandon totally likes you he wouldn't go out of his way if he didn't, Elena said with a huge smile.
You have really lost it, of course not he would have done that for anybody and he benefits too since it is his company.
Trust me he does, no way he wouldn't, isn't it our job to find clients for ourselves he pays us for that, just think about it, Elena said.
Haha i won't let you corrupt my mind, he doesn't end of story, i will see you tomorrow babe and tell Mitch i said hello.
Okay Shan but this isn't over i will continue with it tomorrow, see you around babe.
I was now slouched on my couch i didn't have energy to get to my bed so i fell on my couch when i reached my apartment, the vibration of my phone woke me up only to check it was an unknown number i sent a text asking who it was. I couldn't stop thinking about what Ella said, could he really like me like she said, i don't know why i didn't want to believe her.
Unknown number: It's me Brandon, how are you beautiful?

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