Chapter 2

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So i got a skimpy sassy silver dress with black heels and some accessories, i can't wait to see Tyler's face when he sees me in this. Ella what did you get?
Wow you look stunning girlfriend, you're going to make him so uneasy though i am jealous, you guys look great and i admire the love you two share. I got a gold skater dress with not so much detail and block red heels to compliment my look. What do you think?Elena said.
Awwww, thanks love but i know you will find someone who will appreciate and love you the way you deserve. I'm speechless babe, i don't like that look, i love it, you look gorgeous. Mitch is really going to get awestruck when he sees you trust me girl.
Okay then i am really anticipating tomorrow so see you later i have plans with my dad and siblings i will leave my clothes here. See you tomorrow bye bye kisses, Elena said.
Alright Ella send my greetings to all of them see you then, and keep time tomorrow.
Shaun is that you? Huh i see lover boy is well dressed i am so sure you will make a good impression on Trisha's parents. I'm so happy for you Shaun and please have fun.
Haha thanks kiddo don't fall for me i know i am too hot, you know me i aim to please they will even want to turn me into their son after meeting me, see you later, Shaun said.
Oh please i am not a kid stop calling me that, you're only four months older than me how i wish you get the embarrassment of your life, i will die of laughter not after this confidence you just showed me.
Hey relax i was playing with you don't throw bad vibes to my face, love you bye Shan, bye mom, Shaun said.
Mom i am going to be in my room upstairs if you need me, i am so tired might call it a night and head to bed.
Are you okay love? This is not so you, i hope you're fine my baby girl and have a good night sweetie, Caitlyn said.
Mom i am good i have no problem i just feel exhausted and sleepy, i am sorry i can't keep you company in the kitchen sleep well mom.
It's okay my baby i understand you rest, it is good tomorrow is a weekend so no school for you, Caitlyn said.
"Ping Ping" " Ping Ping" "Ping Ping" Oh Gosh who's calling me this early at 7am. I swear Tyler if you disturbed my sleep to tell me rubbish i will hunt you down and send you to an early grave.
Jeez relax princess i am sorry i just wanted to hear your lovely voice, i hope i didn't wake you up my cherry, Tyler said.
What?? You did and you know it who wakes up this early but it's okay i am already up, so you were saying?
Forgive me princess, i missed you since i didn't see much of you yesterday, your mom told me you had an early night tried calling you but i didn't reach you. Are you okay? Tyler said.
Huh are you sure you missed just me or my kisses? I am just curious though i am fine i was just tired but i am fine now since i have heard from you.
Babe, i missed all of you, your smile, your strikingly beautiful eyes, everything princess, you're the reason i anticipate every day of my life, i am glad you're alright. So i hope you're ready for today's party? Tyler said.
Love, you're making me blush this early morning i could get used to this just saying haha, i must have done something good in another life to have a special guy like you in my life. Thanks for loving me handsome, i am so ready for the party me and Ella went shopping yesterday.
No, no babe i should be the one saying that, i found everything i ever needed and more when i met you, i am the luckiest jerk to have a beauty like you in my life. I can't wait to see you this evening, i trust my love will look gorgeous as always, Tyler said.
Hmm good you know am you're precious jewel, i can't wait to see you too handsome, we talk later let me go freshen up Ella is coming over i love you my prince.
Okay beautiful see you later, i love you babe and i am counting the time till i see you that's how much i am crazy about you, Tyler said.
Bye Ty, kisses my love and tell your mom Andrea i said hello .

Hmm something smells delicious here, morning mom, what are you cooking? I could smell the aroma from my room, Can i help?
Morning sweetie, i am cooking your favorite dish, sushi, steak, eggs and sausages, you can come and help me check on the steak, please don't burn it, Caitlyn said.
Mom that was a long time ago i know i am not good in the kitchen department, apparently when i was in high school my mom left us me and Shaun to go on a business trip she came back when i had burnt the kitchen since then it was off limits to me. Mom i won't burn the food i promise trust me haha so mom what should i do with the steak?
Well i did trust you the last time and what happened but it's okay i am here to guide you, just turn the steak over leave it for sometime reduce the heat a bit, then you turn it again but don't over do it. After 15 minutes turn off the heat Caitlyn said.
Okay mom i will meanwhile what time did Shaun come back home last night? I haven't seen him coming out of his room.
Shaun came home around 2 in the morning, i guess the dinner went well but other than that i haven't seen him yet, let him rest Caitlyn said.
Oh okay mom but i would have loved to see his face while i disturb his sleep, let me leave him this time there's always a next time. After all he's your favorite child yes mom i know but it's okay.
Haha baby i love you both the same you're both my favorite people, why would you say he's my favorite child? Caitlyn said.
Well, first of all the privileges you give him then all the stuff you let him have that i don't get to have and lastly the curfew time for real it isn't fair mom but i still love you above everything.
I don't know why but i knew this was coming when i told you the time he came back last night, sweetheart you know you're my little girl and i have to put rules for you baby otherwise you will go wild. I give you everything you need but when when you grow up you will be free to do anything you want okay? Caitlyn said.
Hmm mom you really don't have to get practical i get it you're looking out for me and you mean well though i can't wait to grow up.
Huh mom- daughter time i see, what am i missing? Something smells great in here, i came at the right time. Shaun said.
The sleepy head of the house is awake, it's not my fault i have a loving mom who showers me with affection deal with it haha.
Leave my boy alone, so Shaun tell us how your dinner went, your sister has been asking so tell us, Caitlyn said.
Hmm gossip that's where Shan is best at, anyway it was lovely, Trisha's parents were very welcoming and hospitable we had lots of fun then her parents left us alone to enjoy each others' company. Yeah that's it and her parents want to meet you both when you get time before they travel, Shaun said.
Blah Blah Blah me i didn't want to know anything about your dinner, keep it all to yourself you're such a show off but count me in to meet Trisha's parents.
It's good you had fun Shaun, i am happy you displayed good manners and made me proud. I think we can fix next weekend for the dinner with her parents, you can ask them if they will be free then we catch up, Caitlyn said.
Thanks mom, i was raised by the best mom in the universe, let me leave madam jealousy i will let them know and give you feedback i love you mom, Shaun said.
Okay dear, i love you too my boy now go get a shower then you join us for breakfast don't be long, Caitlyn said.
Oh mom you just said what i was thinking he really needed a shower, i was already agitated save us Shaun haha.
Now you really want to start trouble kiddo, you're forgetting easily that i have your secret i will be down in a bit, Shaun said.
What is Shaun talking about? Are you keeping stuff from me? You know i believe you can tell me anything i am your mom, Caitlyn said.
It's nothing mom, it is just his usual jokes you know how he likes to get on my nerves, don't mind him. I wouldn't lie to you at all much less keep stuff from you mom.
Shaun, Shaun come down breakfast is ready, hurry up with what you're doing, Caitlyn said.
I am coming mom give me a minute i am almost done, Shaun said.
Mom this tastes great i love your cooking so yummy, meanwhile mom i am going to a party in the evening with Ella and Tyler.
Oh yeah Shaun told me, you take care sweetie and have fun you rarely go out, go make some memories, Caitlyn said.
Yes mom i will thanks for caring, though i often go out, it's just that i don't tell you but i will have fun.
Mom, this tastes delicious for a second there i thought i was in a restaurant, you would make a wonderful chef, Shaun said.
Haha don't flatter me Shaun but thanks for appreciating, so Shaun what time are you leaving for the party? Caitlyn said.
Well mom, this is not flattery i do admire your talent, i will leave at 6pm i have to go pick up Trisha then we head to the party, Shaun said.
Okay then you guys have fun and don't come back late, will leave the key in the usual place, Caitlyn said.
Alright mom as for me i will leave before midnight, not a fan of house parties.
Obviously that is expected from the most lazy person i know, so boring are you sure you don't need a check up haha, Shaun said while laughing.
Mom you see he has started picking on me, let me be, not all of us are supposed to be drunkards like someone i know.
Okay both of you stop it, Shaun let your sister be not a word from both of you, i will be upstairs if you need anything, Caitlyn said.
Sorry sis, you know i be joking my little munchkin forgive me i love you princess, Shaun said.
It is okay bro i didn't know i was still your little munchkin i thought i had been replaced by Trisha hmm but it is cool i get it.
Huh i smell jealousy haha but i can never replace you, you're still my little one okay sis never doubt that, Shaun said.
Okay cool this is weird though, by the way i am happy for you and Trisha, she's a nice girl and she makes you so happy, i hope you two get married one day like me and Tyler talk about our future.
Hmm some deep talk there sis but you're right ever since she came into my life i have been so happy and she's the only girl i have been with this long and i can't get enough of her. Well we have talked about the future once and i am sure we will get there, so you really like Tyler that much? Shaun said.
I hope so too bro , well i not only like Tyler i love him since the first time we met when we were kids, he treats me well, makes me feel special.
I am glad you're happy sis and that he treats you like the princess you are but if he ever hurts you he will face my fist, promise me you will tell me if he hurts you, Shaun said.
Haha thanks bro he is a good guy he would never hurt me but if he ever does you will be the first to know. By the way do you think Dad still loves mom?
Great then my munchkin, i think he still loves her though he is scared to tell her since he cheated on her and he broke her trust in him, Shaun said.
Yeah i sensed it too i always see sadness and pain in his eyes when we talk about Mom but i think one day they will be able to reconcile and forget their differences, they still care about each other.
He tries to hide it alot by keeping himself busy but let's leave that to fate, if they are meant to be they will be, Shaun said.
Okay see you later, let me go freshen up and get my stuff ready for tonight, i love you big bro.
Love you too kiddo take care and have fun tonight, Shaun said.


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