Chapter 24

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Haha if you say so, well as i said i am called Luke Patterson i came here with my friends for a vacation, we go to Riverside College, Luke said.
Oh that is nice i know your school, i am Shantelle Mathews i go to Green Cage College, how come i never saw you before, our schools compete at games.
Nice school, i know right i guess since i rarely go to those games but if i had known you before i wouldn't miss any game, Luke said.
Haha you're really funny, you are a nice guy really but is it okay if we be friends? My friends set me up with you i don't want to date anyone.
Ouch that hurt Shan i thought me and you were kind of connecting but i get you don't worry i won't tell them anything. Shall we dance? Luke said.
I am so sorry but we can be friends i don't mind, it is okay Luke.
No worries Shan, so what happened? Luke said.
What do you mean? I don't get what you're asking.
What made you hate dating? I am sure something must have happened to get you like this, Luke said.
I don't hate dating i just don't want to, it is not my thing.
Why don't you want to? Why do you say it is not your thing? Luke asked.
I don't really want to talk about it, if you don't mind let's chill that.
Oh i am sorry for going too far Shan, am i forgiven? Luke said.
It is fine Luke, so how come you don't have a girlfriend yet you're very nice, handsome and interesting.
Well i tried going into a relationship but it didn't work out, she wanted more than i could give her, you really won't understand, Luke said.
Oh i see i thought you were going to tell me you don't date, you just have casual flings which i would believe by the way haha.
Does it look that obvious? You're really something else Shan, it feels like i have known you for a long time, Luke said.
Haha somehow it really shows if someone sees you for the first time, really now, why do you say so?
I think that is why i have failed to have a stable relationship i now get it, well it is easy to talk to you and tell you things my friends don't know, is that answer good enough? Luke said.
Haha no don't say you know i might be wrong you know, yeah it is fair enough. Oh i have to get going they are calling me, we shall keep in touch and it was nice meeting you Luke.
If you say so Shan, bad timing just when i was having fun talking to you anyway there's always a next time, see you around Shan and the pleasure was all mine, Luke said.

Who was that guy you were talking to and flirting with? Klaus shouted at me.
Excuse me? You mean Luke he is my friend i met him today and we weren't flirting who do you think i am? Even if i was you have no right over me, i don't like the tone you used either.
What? Okay i am so sorry but you just met the guy today Shan then you two are all over the place smiling with each other, i know you said you don't love me the way i do but i can't help it, i can't tell my heart to feel a certain way. I am sorry for interfering in your life excuse me, Klaus said as he walked away.
Klaus, Klaus, i didn't mean it that way, you misunderstood me, please come back we talk.
Shan, what was that all about? Did you two argue or something? Trisha asked.
I don't know what is wrong with Klaus, he got jealous when he saw me with Nick and said lots of things to me then he walked out on me.
Huh we didn't think it was going to cause trouble for you two, do you want me to go explain to him what happened? Elena said.
No it is not your fault guys, Klaus has to finally get it that we can't be more than friends it will complicate things, don't bother Ella let him cool down we will talk then.
Are you okay though? Even if he was jealous or angry he shouldn't have shouted at you in front of everyone, Serena said.
I am fine just surprised he had never raised his voice at me, i will just call it a night i need to rest, goodnight.
She sure is not fine, someone should talk sense into Klaus, today he did that, what will happen the next time? Trisha said.

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