Brandon POV (49)

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It has been a week since i talked to Shan or met up with her since her mom was watching her every move, i was losing it without her, just watching her from afar without being able to hold her close to me.
I met up with the guys, Ricardo, Ryan, Mike, for an hour they were ganging up on me asking why i let Shantelle go. I wanted to be selfish at first and keep her to myself but i saw the sadness in her eyes and i couldn't do it.
Man you really are a bastard, the woman you love chose you and what did you do, sometimes i wonder how we are friends, Ryan said.
Guys, slow down will you? This is still our guy and what affects him affects us, you all are not in love so you don't have the right to speak to him in that manner, Ricardo said.
We are sorry bro, i guess Ricardo is right all we have to do now is help him get her back but i have been thinking how about you meet her mom on a one on one, it could help, Mike said.
It's okay guys i know you mean well and i appreciate your concern, i could try talking to her when she's calm i hadn't thought of that.
  So how are you going to do that? It seems practical but you know how her mom is, will she agree to meet you? Ricardo said.
I have a plan, i could use Shaun's help he can set up the meeting without her knowing she's going to meet me then she will have no choice but to hear me out.
Hmm that's a brilliant idea bro, it could work perfectly, so you will have to tell us how it goes, Ryan said.
So i will see you guys later, i need to call Shaun and see what he thinks about it, thanks again.
Sure bro you keep us posted and don't be hard on yourself you need to rest, Ricardo said.
I will do that, don't worry about me i will be fine, enjoy yourselves.

Hey Shaun, how are you? Is it a good time to talk to you now or your busy?
Hello bro, i am good, no it is fine we can talk, what is wrong? Shaun said.
Oh great i needed your help with something, you're the only one i can count on when it comes to this. So i told him the whole plan, by the time i was done he was in and ready to help.
Sure i don't mind helping you guys, i know  Shan loves you and you make her happy so this is nothing you didn't even have to ask, i will set it up on Saturday, Shaun said.
Thanks man i knew i could rely on you, she's my life and happiness you being on our side means a lot to me. Saturday is fine since i will be free, see you around bro.
You're welcome bro i am glad to help in any way i can, i will keep you updated about the meeting place, Shaun said.
That went pretty well i wonder how Shan is doing, if she's okay, i hate seeing her sad it breaks my heart that's why i want to do this  the right way and very fast. I hope Mrs. Caitlyn gives me a chance and gets to know me before judging me because of my mom and what she did.
I haven't seen or talked to my mom since i left her house, she tried calling me but i didn't pick up, she came to my office i avoided her till she gave up on reaching out to me. I know it is mean of me to do that but i can't hep it but be mad at her, she caused all this.
When i explained to Briana what happened, she was so angry and wanted to go confront our mom but i told her it's useless the damage was done already. She was so sad on my behalf and even volunteered to go talk to Shan's mom but i stopped her since it's my mess i should be man enough to solve it.
    Shan had been coming to work but i could see this issue of ours was taking a toll on her, and i couldn't even get near her to talk. I wanted the next time we meet when everything has been solved but i always talked to her on phone, some nights i could hear her cry when i called.
  Never had i thought being in love would hurt this bad when you couldn't do anything for the woman you love, like all you could do was to comfort her and tell her all will be well soon. I felt crushed, broken but i had to put up a straight face for my love, she needed me as much as i did.

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