Chapter 22

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Weeks flew by very fast in a way i didn't get, it was finally 5th October my birthday. I wasn't excited about me celebrating my birthday but the more days passed the closer to graduation i got, i just wanted to start afresh and go far away. Our finals were in 4 weeks time you could literally see the excitement in some people while others panic and fear was written on their faces. Me, my friends and family were now at the beach house to celebrate, they respected my idea of having a barbeque party and Shaun chose the place.
Shan, me and the gals are going for a swim come join us, Elena said.
Oh sure let me get my bikini, give me a minute i am coming.
Mom we are going to the beach side if you need us we will be back in an hour, Shaun said.
Okay you kids take care and have fun, don't let us old people stop you, Caitlyn said.
Serena, check out those cute guys over there, they haven't stopped looking in our direction since we came, Trisha said.
Oh my, i wouldn't really mind them watching me all day, they are so hot and easy on the eyes, Serena said.
You gals are really crazy don't you have boyfriends, i think i should call them to see you checking out other guys. Oh yes Jack finally got the guts to tell Serena he had always been in love with her, and she decided to give it a shot, she didn't expect to be so happy with him but the world is full of surprises.
Shan you just ruined the fun it is not bad to appreciate nature and it's surroundings, i have an idea though a really crazy one, Elena said.
I know right and the guys are having fun, what is it Ella? I hope it is not what i am thinking or is it, Trisha said.
Haha we are listening, tell us the crazy idea and why do i have a feeling Shan is involved in it, Serena said.
Well your right Serena, why don't we set up Shan with one of those guys, i mean they are all good looking, what do you think? Serena said.
I think that is a very good idea, she will get to live a little too than she's been doing recently, Trisha said.
What? You know am right here guys and no i don't want to it is just a waste of time, you don't even know any one of them they might be gay or psychopaths.
Well you can never know till you give it a try and it doesn't have to be serious you can just hang out and enjoy each other's company, Serena said.
Yes Shan there's no refusing, the good thing he is stranger if you don't like him you can tell us then we won't push this matter anymore, Elena said.
I can't believe you guys are making me do this, but if i don't like him you get off my case, deal? How will you even get him to come here?
Yes deal though you don't have to scare the guy away to make this go we know you Shan be nice, Trisha said.
So true, about him meeting you don't worry me, Ella and Trish will invite him for your party tonight so it is a go, Serena said.
Good idea gal so Shan no backing out get to know him we shall be watching you from afar, Elena said.
Oh Gosh how did i get these friends? Your not making this easy at all, i will prove to you all that i can do it.
Your stuck with us for good you have no choice Shan haha this is us showing we care about you, Trisha said.
Till the end of time and we only want the best for you, i know it will do you good to interact with new people, Serena said.
Oh yes don't give me that look babe i won't save you, we love you too haha, Elena said.
Fine i hate you all, i will go back inside the sun is too much, and am hungry too.
We all know your running away from us, we shall let you go for now but be ready later tonight, Trisha said.

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