Extra: Q and A and more!

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For the last part of the final chapter there was a hint about the next chapter written in Wing Dings. If you want to uncover this clue, use a Wing Dings translator. Here's a link to it; 


There is also a Q and A session where you can either ask myself or even the cast to get better understanding of the story. As you can probably see in the title and description, it's still a work in progress.

In the clue of the previous chapter ( which I assume you've used the link already to translate it), you've probably guessed that there's gonna be a sequel, right?

Yep! That's correct. You may have to wait a while for it as I am still hatching up a plot for the story. Suggestions are welcome as long as they're somehow related to the clue. And if you've cracked the code, great! Let me know by sending me a direct message and giving me your answer. If you do get it right, you will be recognized at the beginning of the sequel. Please try not to give away the answer as to give others a chance to guess. In other words, if you guess the meaning behind the clue, let me know!

Once I've started writing the story I'll notify you guys as soon as possible, don't you worry!

Also, my god! Over 200 reads! You have no Idea how much that means to me. Every read, vote, and follow counts.

Well, stay DETERMINED and eat your tEm flAkEs! bOi! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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