8 Family

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Cristopher woke up to find himself back in the orphanage among the other sleeping children. Did he truly bring Frisk back with the RESET or was it all a dream? After all, he did wake up back in his bed again. He looked around. No Frisk, and no Sans either.  They haven't forgotten about him, have they? And if they did remember him, would they come back for him. Heck, he barely knew them and he felt the need to call them family anyway.

He couldn't sleep that night.


He woke up the next day, feeling that he would go back to the same old routine gain. As if all the things he at least thought he did, didn't matter. He sat down to eat breakfast with the other children with a dull look on his face. Even some of the other children noticed that he suddenly went silent.

"What's with the face, loser? Finally realized that those monsters aren't real?" Sneered one kid.

Cristopher sat in silence, almost as if everyone else was invisible.

"Looks like someone or something knocked some sense into you, nerd." Scoffed another.

"Leave me alone." Sighed Cristopher.

"What? Afraid that your little monsters are gonna come save you?"

"They would make a better family than you could ever have." Mumbled Cristopher.

"Say that again. I DARE you."

"I said, 'They would make a better family than you could ever have.'"

That was when  the adults have had enough.


"Yes," They mumbled.

Of course Cristopher never gave up on his belief in monsters, but he became much more lonely than he was even before he met Sans and Frisk.

After a few days back at the orphanage, Cristopher began to have his doubts about seeing Frisk and Sans again. "I hope they're happy at least." Cristopher said to himself.


Soon the day for families to adopt children came. Every time this day came, Cristopher was turned down for his strange beliefs and conspiracies. Since he din't have any friends, he knew that nobody would miss him when they left. And he was always the only one left. Cristopher stayed back in the bedroom, he didn't want to see the children leave  happily with their newfound families except him and maybe a few others. But this time was different. Downstairs, Cristopher heard a lot of "oohs," and "ahhhs." There probably was some rich family or some thing. Thought Cristopher. He listened to the muffed voices downstairs. 

"I was actually looking for someone in particular, I hope he isn't taken."

" O-oh? And um, who is this... person with you?"

"That's my fiancé."

"I see... Um, how did you two meet?"

"Let's just say we go waaay back."

"A-alright then. Um, who are you looking for?"

"We're looking for a Cristopher."

Soon there were much more voices of the children clamoring.

"That weird kid?"

"Does she mean that Cristopher?"

"Duh! How many Cristophers do you know?"

"HUSH CHILDREN!" Said the old lady by the counter. (Who shall not be named because reasons). "We'll get him down as soon as possible."

Cristopher heard the lady march her way up the stairs and sat up. That old hag only said two words, "Stay here." And she walked back downstairs.

If he heard correctly, somebody wanted to adopt him. How did they know him? After his parents passed away, he didn't have any family left that would've wanted him. Unless...

He quickly ran to the stairs and peeked to the room below, and sure enough, Sans and Frisk were there, in front of the desk, talking to the old woman. Frisk had a more whole look to her. She was tall with brown hair and slightly tanned skin, and he couldn't help but notice that she was wearing a ring; the same one Sans had proposed with.

"So sorry, it seems like we don't have a Cristopher. Maybe you could try a different orphanage." Said the old lady. Cristopher couldn't have been more upset.

The children groaned. The thought of them being stuck with Cristopher if they don't get adopted made them shudder.

"are you sure? seems like those kids over there beg to differ. unless there's something that you're keeping from us." Said Sans. The last thing he said came out a bit more serious than when he started out, and his white pupils disappeared, giving a more intimidating look.

"He's scary..." A girl whispered.

The old woman gathered  up the courage to speak in spite of Sans' spooky glare. "I assure you we don't have the child that we're looking for and before you further frighten these children I suggest you leave this instant." She said firmly.

That was when Cristopher seemed to act without thinking and ran down the stairs, pushing the other children out of his way and ran to Sans' side. Sans' pupils retuned.

"it's because i'm a monster, isn't it?" Grumbled Sans. 

"Of course it is! Cristopher is already ruined enough thinking that monsters exist, and now that it seems that your kind indeed do exist, I cannot let him live with such a terrible influence."

"heh. you're just like i thought you'd be. but that doesn't matter because soon there will be a way for monsters to finally be excepted, because my fiancé just so happens to be our human monster relationships ambassador."

"Fine!" She spat. "Take him! Take him away! But mark my words, humans will never accept such foul beasts like you."

"well that's funny, some have already accepted us." Chuckled Sans. "c'mon kid."

And Cristopher happily ran to his new family, grabbing both their hands without looking back.

He didn't have anything in the orphanage that he was going to miss anyway.

The New Determined Soul *(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now