3 The Bet

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A few weeks later Sans went into the third stage of grief: Bargaining.

"maybe," Said Sans. "if I find this kid's soul, i could convince them to RESET so that i could stop frisk." 

"ISN'T THAT WHAT FRISK DOESN'T WANT YOU TO DO? EVENTUALLY THIS HUMAN THAT YOU HAVE TO FIND MIGHT REALIZE THAT THEY COULD ABUSE THIS POWER LIKE FRISK DID!" Said Papyrus. Sans knew that he had a point. His brother may have been naive at times, but he wasn't stupid. "then i'll teach them not to get outta line then. i'll give 'em a BAD TIME if they deserve it."

"How desperate can this nerd get?" Muttered Undyne. "I mean- don't get me wrong, I miss that punk too, but even I know when it's time to let it go." Sans murmured, "that's because you never knew her like i knew her. even tori hasn't known her as long as i have. and even though i still can't understand that kid, i love her to death anyway. that's why i want to get her back. she might be out there and we don't even know it." Undyne shook her head, " You said so yourself that she's gone. And that she's not coming back. EVER." 

"wanna bet?" Sans jeered. "SANS I DON'T THINK THAT'S A GOOD-" Undyne rose her hand up before Papyrus could finish. "Fine then. Since you're so confident. You have one year  to find the kid to bring Frisk back. If you fail to do the task  then you are not allowed to say another word about her, make anymore attempts to bring her back, OR visit her grave again." Sans shrugged, "deal."

Papyrus, on the other hand looked like he was about to explode. "WHAT THE HECK SANS?! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'RE DOING?!" Sans sighed, "if it means even the slightest chance getting her back, i'll do it. so i guess i better get cracking. see ya paps."

"SANS WAI-" but it was too late. Sans had already gone. "Papyrus look." Said Undyne. "It's for his own good. Besides once he stops thinking about her, he'll forget she even exists."

"But that's the problem." Sighed Papyrus.

Meanwhile, Sans came went to visit Frisk for possibly the last time. "so," said Sans. "i know it's probably the stupidest mess i've just gotten myself into, but i know that in the end it's gonna be worth it. i know i'm a bonehead and a numbskull and mindless, but for you, i will be." Sans finally stood up and teleported to the surface.

"humans here i come..."

The New Determined Soul *(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now