5 Frisk

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"Are you okay?" asked Cristopher. Sans didn't say anything. He wiped his tears as his eye sockets grew dark and blank. For a moment he just stared into space as he remembered every detail of the moment he lost one of the most important people in his life. He thought about how it coulda've played out differently if he stopped her as soon as the RESET button had appeared. He mighta've had a future with her in another timeline. Another life. But even if that was the case, it definitely wasn't happening in this one.

Suddenly Sans snapped back into reality when he realized that Cristopher had been continuously calling his name as the white pupils reappeared in his sockets. "oh! uh sorry kid. musta zoned out. i was just thinkin' of her."

Cristopher glanced towards the wandering soul. It was strange knowing that he could see the one that the skeleton yearned for, but he couldn't see her. He wanted to tell him that he met her and could see her and how she was still watching them, but he probably wouldn't believe him, just like those kids back at the orphanage.

Soon the food arrived and Cristopher scarfed down his burger like it was the end of the world. "well you seem hungry. here you can have mine." Cristopher shook his head, his mouth still full. "nah, it's fine. i'm not hungry anyway. want ketchup?" Cristopher shook his head once again. Sans shrugged as he drank the ketchup straight from the bottle. Cristopher just watched in awe.

"what? never seen a skeleton drink ketchup before?" Asked Sans casually.

"I haven't even seen a skeleton before let alone one drinking ketchup." Mumbled Cristopher through mouthfuls. Sans shrugged. 

A few bottles of ketchup later and Sans became a bit tipsy to say the least.

"i'm suuuch a wreck. *hic*" mumbled Sans "iiiif frisk could see meh naoo. *hic* welp, it looks likeeee the room is spinning! *hic* grilbz? gimme another drink."

Cristopher glanced at the wandering soul and mouthed, "Is that your name?" She nodded sheepishly. He looked back at Sans who was screaming at Grillby for not giving him more ketchup and then apologizing and sobbing for yelling at Grillby while Grillby awkwardly patted him on the head. Frisk glided over next to Sans and tried to hug him, but her hands just phased through him. Sans shuddered slightly as if something cold had touched him, but barely noticed this slight chill. Frisk sighed sadly and stared longingly at him.

Suddenly Sans grabbed Cristopher and shook him, alarming everyone in eyeshot. "kid!" Shouted Sans. "i know you're hiding that RESET somewhere! RESET kid and bring her back! do it. do it! DO IT!"

"I-I don't know how!" Stammered Cristopher.


 Cristopher stared at him in fear and shock. That was when Sans realized that he was scaring the child and gently let go of him. "i'm sorry kid. i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have been so selfish. i can't just force you to do something because i want you to. it's not what she would've wanted. but i'm begging you kid, if you do find out how to RESET, please do it. i need her back. i love her..."

It appeared that Sans sobered up a bit because he seemed to be talking much more normally. Cristopher looked up at Sans and said, "Okay. I'll try." Sans stared at him surprised. Then he smiled. "you're a good kid. c'mon lemme take you to my place. you can sleep there." Cristopher nodded. But Grillby shook his head. "Oh no you're not Sans the skeleton. Don't you remember the last time you tried to teleport after drinking?"

(Remember kids, never teleport after drinking! Don't try these next few minutes at home.)

"yeah but i'm not that drunk. 'sides i'm too lazy to walk." Cristopher looked up at Sans nervously. "Uhh... It's safe right?" Sans ruffled Cristopher's hair and chuckled. "heh. don't worry 'bout it kid. it's perfectly safe!" Frisk rolled her eyes and Grillby face palmed. But in spite of Frisk and Grillby's doubts, Cristopher took Sans' boney wrist and they took a "shortcut" to his house. And Frisk, having her determination tied to Cristopher's, went with them.

Suddenly Cristopher found himself in what he could only assume was Sans' house... Except all of the  furniture was upside down! Wait a minute...

Never mind he was just hanging from the ceiling lights.

Sans on the other hand found his way to a different spot. 


Sans shrugged. "just having a SPA-ghetti. by the way, i have a friend who's probably HANGING out with us for a bit."

"WHAT?!" Papyrus immediately rushed into the living room to find Cristopher hanging from the ceiling. "SANS?" Papyrus called. "WHY IS THERE A HUMAN CHILD HANGING ON THE CEILING LIGHTS?"

"that kid is the same one that's gonna bring frisk back." Sans called back.


"maaaybe a little." Mumbled Sans.

A few minutes later, Sans and Cristopher were back with their two feet on the ground and Cristopher sat on the couch with Sans.

"welp, it's about time for you to get some sleep. and by the way, what's your name kid?"


"nice name, kid."

The New Determined Soul *(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now