7 With You, Always

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After leaving the small ghost's house, they walked over to Frisk's grave. Along the way, Cristopher wondered why Sans had left in the first place. And as if he had read his mind, Sans said, " so, uh, about me leaving... i was just getting something for someone..." Then he sighed sadly, refusing to make eye contact.

Cristopher then looked up at. Frisk who sighed as well and murmured, "He's good at hiding his feelings. He's tried to hide them from everyone. Including his brother and I. I can tell that if he takes any more pain, he's going to break. It pains me to see him hurting so much, and how it was all my fault. A long time ago, when I was alive, I had the ability to RESET like you did. At first, I freed the monsters and gave them their happy ending. I did it again, and again, and again. After countless times, curiosity took over me. I wanted to know what would happen if I started killing. And when I did, Sans was there to stop me, but I killed him too. But after that massacre that I had caused, I started to regret my decision. I had felt a slight force egging me on, but I wouldn't let it. So I reseted the world and spared everyone. One of the few people who knew of my power was Sans. So I rid of my power, killing myself. I never knew that he'd love me so much to do this for me..."

When Cristopher looked from Frisk to Sans, he saw that they both wore the same expressions of grief. He could tell they were practically miserable without each other.

Once they arrived to Frisk's grave, Sans knelt down in front of it and started to speak to it.


Frisk suddenly looked up at him in shock.

"it's me... sorry it's been awhile. but i'm here now, and i brought the kid with me."

Frisk glided in front of Sans and even though he still probably wouldn't hear her, she replied to him.

"I'm here too..."

If Sans had ears, they would perk up because he somehow heard her.


He looked around him, surprised and hopeful. Was she really there?

But to his disappointment, he couldn't see her. He looked down to see something strange.

It was an echo flower...

Except it was red. Just like Frisk's soul. He stared at it, astonished.

And Cristopher, almost on instinct, made his own soul appear. Apparently it had a huge effect because when Sans looked up, he saw her. He was a whirlpool of feelings. Inside, he felt an ache inside him but at the same time, there was a fuzzy warmth inside. He called out to her as tears trailed down his cheek bones.

"frisk! you-  you're here! you're really here! i can't believe it!"

"Yes! I'm here! I'm here for you!"

Then Frisk leapt in to Sans' arms in a tight embrace, tears flowing from her eyes.

She seemed to have a more physical form once Cristopher brought out his soul because she didn't phase through Sans like an ordinary ghost, but she was still a little transparent, she still had a bright red glow to her, and she was light an airy, like a feather.

Cristopher grinned happily as Sans lifted the love of his life into the air and spun around, as playful giggles escaped them. Then they gave each other a long sweet kiss. It was impossible for anyone to be as happy as they were. 

When they finally pulled away they both outstretched their arms toward Cristopher to give him a hug, which was gladly accepted as Cristopher ran over to them. 

The New Determined Soul *(Under editing)Where stories live. Discover now