He stood up brandishing the knife before my face. "Will you stay quiet?"

I nodded my head absolutely petrified.

He stooped down before me looking into my eyes and then nodded, as if thinking to himself. Moving faster than I liked he came at my face with the knife. I flinched, but he only cut the bindings around my mouth. "Not a sound little sister. Not one sound. Not yet anyway!" he grinned at his joke that only he understood.

I looked up at him wondering what he was going to do.

He walked away from me toward the open door and looked out as if deep in thought himself. "Your man is away in Meromi Nol. The rest of his family is off after him. If I get you to call him he will come and then I will—-" he stopped and looked back at me a slow sneering smile illuminating his face.

I interrupted him emphatically. "He won't come."

"That's your part sis. You need to make sure he comes!" he turned back toward me holding out the knife while reaching in his waistband to pull out another one with an equally deadly looking blade. "Whether you live or die I care not, but I will bag the angel and drag him to Arminius. I will be his chief seer. You just upped the ante for me." He appeared to think a moment cocking his head sideways. "Where's our father?"

"Not here." I looked at him worried.

He mused "Not here? Then where?"

I shook my head at him. "No."

"Pity. I could have taken care of everything in one pass. I'll go back for him later Rowan. Rest assured of that."

He walked closer to me "Ready to get to work?"

I felt all the blood drain from me. "All you have to do is call him Rowan. Call him in such a way that he will come rushing to your side."

Shaking my head "You don't understand. He won't come."

"Then we will have to get creative and make you call him!" he slashed at my arm with one of the knives.

Unintentionally I screamed immediately slapping a hand over my mouth.

"Better, but not quite what I envisioned." he slashed again, another pass with the knife intended just to be superficial across my upper shoulder now.

Sucking air in and blinking back tears I stammered "He won't come. Doing this will not bring him."

"Just call him Rowan." his voice was deceptively sweet. "Make him come and save you!" Slashing out with the knife again he undid the ropes. "I know! Let's play tag! Run little sister. Run and let me catch you! Let's leave a trail of blood that will have him flashing back to you without thought!"

I backed away against a wall.

"I said run!" he snarled and slashed at a leg missing it.

I feigned going one way and dodged the other running past him.

Through the barn and out the backside tripping and skidding over fallen timbers. He was right behind me taunting me.

"Call for him Rowan or I will slowly cut you to death and leave you bleeding for the buzzards to pick off in pieces and still I will find him.

Tears fogged my vision but I wouldn't call for him.

He grabbed my hair painfully yanking me backwards. I fell on my back. He stood over me looking down at me his face twisted into a snarl. "I told you to RUN!" He slashed again with the knife across my hand when I put it up to protect my face. Grabbing my hair again and pulling me to my feet he shoved me forward so I fell sprawled out again in the snow. "Call his name Rowan!"

The Otherkind   Book One:HeartWhere stories live. Discover now