I craned around to see the back inspecting the interior of the jeep. The backseat was laden with her shopping. Looking back up front I noticed she had laid a narrow cheerful sunflower swag across the dash.

She saw me looking at it "Thought you might need something to cheer you up." she explained.

"I love it!"

She smiled looking as happy as I was.

Pretty soon the lot cleared out. It emptied really fast here, maybe because there was nowhere near the amount of students as at my last school but still, no one really stayed around their cars talking like back home. It made me miss Sarah even more. I had to call her as soon as I got home today.

"What's in the bags?" I asked grinning.

"You'll have to wait until you go through them now won't you?" She sounded mysterious again.

"Can I drive now?" I looked at her.

She nodded her head. "Go ahead! Whenever you feel comfortable. It's not hard. You'll see."

And it wasn't. I only ground the gears once and stalled it a couple times before I caught on.

"See? Cake walk!" she was grinning happily. "I knew you'd take to it right away!"

And then I drove us home. Grams got out getting the gates this time. Waving off my attempts to do it. "You'll be doing this plenty living here, believe me. It gets old very quickly."

And then I parked it behind her blue truck marveling at how sunny and cheerful it looked!


She looked at me grinning like a school girl herself. "What baby girl?"

It was the nick name dad called me, I felt a pang of sorrow for the way I had hurt him when I left. "Thank you, I don't know how to say it. Thank you so very, very much." I leaned over the console and hugged her tightly.

"Shh child. I know what it's like. Believe me." She hugged me back then looked behind her. "We got some work to do."

I laughed and jumped out grabbing as many of the bags as I could reach.

"Straight up the stairs to your room with the lot of this okay? Be easier to tackle how and where to put everything!"

"You didn't have to do this Grams."

"Sure I did!"

I sighed.

"Stop it Rowan. It's my turn to spoil you now. I will have none of that sighing. I thoroughly enjoyed myself today!"

"Thank you."

She waved a hand in front of her face "Shh, grab that last bag will you, I can't quite reach it."

And then we were in and upstairs. There were bags and bags of clothes. Some of the bags held school supplies. Others had shoes. There was makeup, hair ties and clips, jewelry, bath and body stuff. It looked like she had bought out an entire store!

She looked at the new dresser up against the wall that didn't have windows. "It was pretty sorry looking with nothing in it."

"Thank you!"

"Shh! Now, if you don't like anything here it won't hurt my feelings any to return and exchange it okay?"

I nodded loving everything so far. There were piles of jeans, sweatshirts, tee shirts and cute blouses. "I love this, but you know what?"


I got up, walking over to her pulled her into a hug "I love you."

Hugging me back "I love you too Rowan." She patted my arm. "Well, you got your work cut out for you." she nodded at the piles of clothes to try on and put away. "Come down when you're done and we can make up something for dinner. You hungry?"

The Otherkind   Book One:HeartWhere stories live. Discover now