Just calling her by her familiar name Tina rather than Bettina was enough to tell her I had remembered a lot.

"Where he is he can't get to you."

"But he can you?"

"Hang on." I could hear her whispering to someone.

Archer took the phone from Tina. "Get your cute self back to town or I will be there in a flash, and you will look mighty silly coming back home in, from what it will look like to others, a levitating car!"

I didn't doubt that he wouldn't get here via angel power and pick my car up carrying it back down the mountain if I didn't comply.

"Fine, but can you tell me why?"

There was a long pause as if he was unsure of what to tell me, or even if he should tell me anything at all. I heard Tina in the background "Just tell her Archer and get her mule-butt off that mountain now! Grayson said NOW!"

Archer didn't mince words. "Zale is here."

A suffocating feeling washed over me, I couldn't speak, couldn't breathe. There was now only that cloak fear that blanketed me completely.

"You still there Rowan?"

I nodded. "Yes" I croaked hoarsely.

He must have picked up on something because he suddenly snapped "I'm coming up there right now! Stay -where -you -are!" his voice exploded over the phone. And then the phone line went dead.

I didn't want to hang the phone up because if I did I would be totally alone. It didn't matter that he wasn't on the phone anymore, just holding it made me feel better.

It happened in barely enough time for me to grasp what was going on. The air shimmered similar to the way that Grayson's did. Light engulfed my car spilling inside comfortingly. That feeling of cold dread eased a bit.

Just a bit.

I could see Archer standing now just in front of my car looking behind it over its roof. He looked angry. His anger was directed at something above and behind me. He looked the way you would picture an angel who was biblically and righteously angry. His eyes glowed liquid fire. And then another flash, of glowing teal, I could see a sword flaming a blue green color. Tina now stood just to my left, in the middle of the road, her sword at ready, glaring at something behind me as well.

Scared but also relieved I got brave enough to look into my rear view mirror. I could see nothing behind me.

For just a moment I toyed with the idea that there was absolutely nothing wrong, that I was dreaming all of this, another one of Grayson's spell induced dream-slips. Then I saw anger and defiance flash from Archer's eyes. He seemed to grow in stature. Suddenly he was very, very tall and heavily muscled. I wasn't imagining anything and this was not a dream slip. Archer was now complete and total Guardian. Looking to my left I saw the same of Tina, having now become much larger. She looked as angry as Archer, her glowing sword arched upwards in a ready position.

Confused I looked up at Archer who had now unfurled his wing like an enormous aura. Wings that reached up and up! I couldn't see the tops of them from where I sat still wearing my seat belt. He looked awesome in his anger like a fierce, battle hardened warrior, even larger and angrier than Grayson could be.

Part of me wanted to see what was going on but I didn't dare. That's probably the only reason I wanted to see anyway, because I felt safe that they were here. I was smart enough to know if they weren't, than that feeling of cold blackness would be engulfing me completely right now, freezing me to my spot. I would probably die from fright. I wasn't ignorant of what was keeping whatever it was away from me.

The Otherkind   Book One:HeartWhere stories live. Discover now