He chuckled somehow understanding what I was feeling. "No Rowan, Not now, not this time. I want to kiss you, but I want it to be when I know you will remember it. Forever." He looked out over the horizon again. "You ready to go now? I've something else I want to show you."


He laughed again. "This is a beautiful place Rowan, but this is a nowhere place. You have a somewhere to go, and a something to do." his voice was like silk. "I am not sure what it is, but I know it's true. We have to go back."

"Just a little longer please?"

Pulling me close in a sweet embrace we stayed that way for a short time. Closing my eyes I tried to make this memory burn into my mind. I heard his heart beating its familiar rhythm.

And then we were flying. Not the same way that he had brought me here, more like floating effortlessly. Cradled in his arms against his chest we sailed over a dark turquoise colored sea dappled in diamond shards of Earth-star light and the two moons. On we flew over primordial forests and lush green oceans of vegetation. It was so pretty and so different from Earth. I really did want to stay here flying against this fairy-tale sky.

And then we were on an island in the middle of a pristine blue lake. A glistening white gazebo nearly obscured by dense, heavenly scented, lavender and white flowers that clung to it. Setting me down and taking my hand he led me inside.

"Look." he pointed toward a stunning view of the sky, the air smelled unlike anything I'd ever smelled before.

Running his hand over my hair smoothing it, he then pulled me close to his chest. His thumb running back and forth along my jaw line. "I love you Rowan Laurel Crofter" he murmured bending over me holding me close.

My heart lurched and then ached for who I used to be. I wanted to go back to who I was in my past life, or stay here never returning.

He whispered "Close your eyes now."

I didn't want to. I looked once more at the sky and then shut them. Again that pressure and sense of moving very fast and then his breath was warm in my ear. "You can open them now my love" his words soft like the brush of a feather.

When I opened my eyes I was standing in Bryce's living room. He stepped away from me, looking at me curiously, hopefully, and with an intensity I didn't understand.

As I stood there, an overwhelming feeling of disappointment enclosed around me and yet, I felt like I had been satisfied, my questions all answered. It was like the feeling of waking and not remembering a really awesome dream, but still able to recall the feeling of it having been incredibly awesome.

Bettina was there too, and Archer as if they'd been waiting for our return expectantly. Both were sitting on the couch and in tandem stood up. All were looking at me as if holding their breath. Waiting. For what? I looked down at the object in my hand, a pair of interconnected hearts made from wood and smiled.

"It's very pretty, thank you. Did you make this?" I looked around the room expectantly and saw disappointment etched in their three faces. Bryce looked more than disappointed, he looked lost and hurt. I couldn't understand his expression. What had I done wrong? "What's the matter?" Bryce's face tugged on my heart, an incredible well of heartache and loss.

Bettina came up and put her hand on her brothers arm "Bryce, let it go." she said softly "Give her time. You knew this could happen, would most probably happen."

She was speaking so quietly I almost couldn't hear her.

"Time?" I was confused. I had wanted answers and I felt as if I had gotten them, but I couldn't remember the answers. I was definitely missing something. I looked down at the tiny hearts and felt a warm rush of understanding and love.

The Otherkind   Book One:HeartWhere stories live. Discover now