I blinked not understanding.

He held up his finger so I wouldn't interrupt him. "There was a certain rebel Guardian," a very boyishly mischievous smile lit his face, "a son of one of the chief Guild-men and king in his own realm. This rebel son, a prince, was one of three born at the same time heralded by a very specific prophecy given at the dawn of Earth's time." He was tapping his chest softly smiling. "See? I'm no stranger to causing trouble for my father."

"And your mother I am sure."

"I'd rather not discuss that right now." He looked away again.

"You're a prince? One of three—- triplets?"

"Yes, and yes, triplets."

I looked at him amazed. Not only did I have a guardian angel but he was a prince too? Figures I would land the rebel one! My thoughts had me grinning and I looked up at him. "There are more of you?" I wondered how any world could survive three rebel angels? "Sounds like three times the trouble!"

He laughed "Many more. But, there is only three that are of the prophecy."

"Archer? He can't be one of your triplet brothers, he said he was older."

Bryce's eyes clouded over. "No. Seth and Victor are."

I was silent for a pause trying to absorb and remember everything. The more he told me the more I was struggling to keep everything straight, the more questions I had. "And the prophecy?"

"We'll definitely let that one go for another time as well."

I sighed and looked at the pair of moons as they climbed higher in the sky. It was hard to wrap my mind around the concept of not just one earth, but two, not one moon, but two, not one Bryce but three. The silence was dragging on. I prompted him "And they are— where? Victor and Seth."

He stopped whittling and reached out his large hand covering mine that I had resting in the grass beside him. His eyes held that painful look once more and there were furrows on his brow where there had been none.

"Let's talk of us now okay? There is too much to know, too much to learn. Not enough time right now. Another time, I promise."

I bit my lip in consternation.

"Rowan" he said softly "I am trying to answer any and all of your questions that I can. I have to keep it on one track for now or I will have us careening all over the cosmos and you will only have a billion more questions and no answers. Trust me okay? There is just too much, way too much to learn of now." He added softly under his breath. "Lifetimes to learn of."

I nodded.

He started whittling again in silence. Sighing softly he looked up. "Wait, you have to see this. Watch now" he pointed with his knife toward the horizon. A faint bluish glow was just tinting the horizon and rising rapidly, like the bluish glow you see around the moon sometimes only much larger and vividly intense.

I watched holding my breath in awe. Things like this didn't happen. Ever, to anyone, not even in fairy tales did I ever hear of someone being taken up to some other realm's oasis to watch two moons while sitting on the softest of grass with not only a Guardian Angel, but their own personal one —-who also happened to be a prince!

"You watching?" he was looking at my eyes intently as if to capture my expression of something.

I nodded, how could I not? A brilliant gem-blue sliver began to rise above this place that we were at. The sliver of light rose like a partial white and blue balloon and then grew, slowly slipping the bonds that had held it beneath the horizon. Majestically it slid higher until finally released entirely from the horizon. It looked very much like an enormous glittering jewel against a diamond studded black velvet cloth.

The Otherkind   Book One:HeartWhere stories live. Discover now