"Isn't this insane" she crowed with breathless excitement!

Nodding my head, I had a feeling she didn't mean it the same way I did. She seemed to be feeding off the wild energy all around us, I only wanted to go back home.

"Come on" she yelled. The noise was incredible. The school band was playing exuberantly, if not in tune. People were yelling and whooping, cheerleaders were inciting the crowd, spurring the masses into a zealous frenzy of school spirit and mayhem. Grabbing my arm and laughing, she leaned towards me yelling so I could hear her. "Getting some munchies, you can help me carry it all!" She was holding a fistful of money. "Everyone pitched in." Tugging my arm without waiting for an answer she began threading through the crowd. She acted as if she were a queen and they, her subjects, must make way for her. Somehow she pulled it off and people moved.

Everyone was laughing and yelling at each other. I could feel a headache coming on and a mild dizziness that was unsettling. I tried very hard to ignore it, plastering a smile on my face. She found a congested concession stand and after we were in line for what seemed a ridiculous amount of time, she placed a lengthy order of hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, and sodas. I wondered how we were going to get all that stuff back up to the top of the risers without, either dumping it on someone, or wearing it ourselves.

With her order dispersed between us, she led the way, once again trusting me to follow. "Get out of our way or wear it!"

Never could I have done that with any hope of success. I concentrated on not dropping anything, and more importantly, not losing track of her. If I lost her I knew they would find me standing frozen like a statue on the side of the field come Monday morning.

But of course it didn't happen that way. Not with fearless Sarah clearing the path for both of us. We made it up to the top riser and everyone scooted down making room for us. Food and drinks were safely passed out with no spills. We sat watching everyone else act stupid and had a blast doing it. It wasn't so bad sitting way up here above everyone else. Some other friends joined us, and soon we commandeered most of this half of the top row. After a while the hilarity turned into a popcorn fight. Below us, under the bleachers, it must have looked like it was snowing.

In an instant the mood veered dramatically, a strange wind came roaring down on us with a chill that cut deeply. It smelled of ice, melding with the smell of burning wood from the bonfire leaving an odd smell in the air. With viciousness suddenness it whirled up wrappers, cups, popcorn, hats, anything not nailed down or held on to. Everything began to blow around in a whirling dervish. Almost in unison there came a loud groan from everyone.

From our vantage point we could see the entire field and the huge cordoned off area where the fire was cavorting in a mad, wind-swept frenzy. There was a lot of yelling adding to the chaos. Costumes became animated, flapping wildly, making it impossible for people to keep them in place. Up here it was even windier with nothing to block it.

"I think I'm going to go now." I shouted towards Sarah, looking at my watch. It was already just after nine.

She nodded. "We are going too in a little while. Isn't this wind crazy?" Her face was flushed with excitement.

I nodded not finding anything to be enthused about.

She was yelling to be heard over the wind and noise. "Tomorrow!" She made a sign with her finger and thumb against the side of her face indicating she would call me. Standing up she pulled me in a hug and then I headed back to the main aisle, climbing over legs, costume hats, and food garbage that had somehow been spared from the onslaught for the moment.

It was an arduous trip that seemed to take forever to get down. One step down and then wait, then another step down, all the while being buffeted by that bone chilling wind. I wished now that I had brought something warmer to wear.

The Otherkind   Book One:HeartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora