Chapter 21

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Don't listen to the audio, it's from the future.

Why did Jungkook's voice pop into my head? Why did my chest tightened up? Why am I feeling like this?

I pressed my back against the door and raised my head in an attempt to take in more air. My consciousness was slowly fading away, black and white spots appearing around my vision. What is happening? Why was there a gunshot and why did it sound so familiar?

Wake up.

A voice called out.

Wake up.

It repated.

Wake up.

It cried out. 

Please wake up!

It wept.

MinJee, I'm begging you wake up!

He yelled.

I'm sorry.

Another said.

Time slowed down. More accuretly, time seemed to stop.


I looked around, my head slowly turning to the side. Too much movement caused my head to ache.


Slowly closing my eyes, I pulled my knees against my chest and wrapped my hands around them.


My mind went completely blank, a white spot.


It felt like I forgot something, something important but I couldn't wrap my head around it.


Why did I feel so sad all of a sudden? It's not quite a feeling of sadness, more like a mixture of grief, sorrow, nostalgia and regret.


A clicking sound caught my attention and I raised my head towards it's direction. A man was standing on the other side of the window, just standing on what I assumed was a ladder, and knocked on the window repeatedly. He had a hood on, a shadow hiding his face from me. His face may not be visible, but I painfully knew his body. A face didn't pop on my head, no way it can. The stranger may have a familiar body structure, but I didn't know who he was. My body knew, it reacted to it.

The same man waved at me and made a heart using his thumb and index fingers. After that he slightly pulled his shirt up and revealed what seemed like the handle of a gun. He pulled it out and pointed it towards me.


There was no time to react, but somehow if I were to have more time, I'm sure I'd just stay where I am. Alone.


Wake up.

The voice called as I felt warm blood soak into my shirt.

I know that voice.

I remember now.


Would You Rather |Jung Hoseok; Min Yoongi| [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now