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One month after the collapse of the Institute-

I sat in the flimsy plastic chair that overlooked the Vault I came from. I cradled a nearly empty bottle in my lap as I stared out into the wastes. He should have been here. Waiting for me, with that lopsided grin and a tight hug. But he wasn't. And now, it really does feel like the end of the world. 

I tried not to think about the life I could have had, if things went differently that day. I would have had something to look forward to at the end of each journey. I would have had something that felt more like a home to me than anywhere else I could remember. 

All that was taken away from me. But maybe, there is something I can do about it. Yes. There is. I will get back at the person who ruined my shot at a happy ending. He will pay.

And he won't know what hit him.


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