Chapter 42

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I walked through the curved halls of the Institute. I was greeted by every synth and human as I walked. I had been in the Institute for a week now, and I learned so much about how they worked. I did odd jobs around the place that required me to go topside, where the others didn't want to go. I was almost believing that they were really there to help mankind go forward, instead of the awful things the Commonwealth believed the Institute would do. I checked my Pip-Boy for any new work. A task popped up and I read the instructions.

"Find and bring back 20 units of fiber optics, 30 units of nuclear material, and 25 units of gold. Bring supplies to Doctor Li."

I mumbled the task to myself. Alright, easy enough. And it doesn't require me hurting any allies. I teleport back to the surface.


Deacon follows after me, jumping over large piles of rubble.

"What the hell do you mean the Institute isn't that bad?! Did you forget they kill and replace people?"

I sighed and looked at him.

"I know. But Shaun is there, and he's really trying to make a difference out here. Not to mention the living spaces are clean, and the food isn't something I had to chase around for an hour."

He furrowed his brow.

"What happened to you taking them down?"

"People are just afraid of what they don't understand, and they don't understand the Institute."

Deacon started to wave his arms around.

"That's because they're insane psychopaths!"

"I think there's a chance of peace. I can try to work something out. Shaun said they don't want to cause any harm."

I watched as he sighed in exasperation.

"And you believe him?"

"Yes. He hasn't given me any reason not to."

Deacon put his hands on my shoulders. I could see my reflection in his sunglasses.

"Just promise you won't lose sight of what we work towards. You mean too much to me to be on the other side of things."

I gave him a small smile.

"I promise, it'll always be you and me."

He looked relieved as he let his hand slide off my shoulders.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, boss. Now, how about we go get some gold?"

"Good idea, Dee."

I pushed open the door to a ruined jewelry store. The glass was all shattered, and only a few pearls were left in the display.

"Looks like someone got here first."

I looked around and nodded. Out of the corner of my eye I see another door in the back. I walk through it and down the stairs. A large steel door with a terminal blocked the way.

"But they couldn't get into the vault."

I stood at the terminal and started to figure out how to get in. After a few minutes of typing, a menu showed up with the option to unlock the door. The door clicked open and I walked into the vault.

"That's a whole lot of gold."

We looked around before picking up several bars of solid gold. I grabbed a sparkling necklace too, for good measure.

"It'll go great with my blue dress. Maybe I'll get better prices too."

"Arturo definitely will. You know, I think he's got a thing for you, boss."

He grinned at me and I shook my head laughing.

"Well I'll be sure to tell him he's got some competition."

Deacon laughed with me.

"I'm sure I can take him on."

"You? I was talking about Piper."

I teased him and he pouted.

"Aww, Dee. I'm joking. You know I meant you."

We walked out of the jewelry shop still laughing and talking. I checked my Pip-Boy to make sure I had everything I needed to bring back to the Institute.

"I'll meet you back at Sanctuary. I'm gonna drop off these supplies and find out what's next."

He nodded and smiled.

"See you soon, boss."

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