Chapter 6

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I caught up with Nick in the tunnels, which glowed an eerie and most likely radioactive green. I put my gun into the holster, and walked down through the long and winding tunnels. I turned to tell Nick to hurry up, and ghouls sprang up from a small room to the side and began charging at us. I quickly pulled my gun out and shot as many as I could with V.A.T.S., but there were still some alive. If you can even call them alive. I shot the remaining few down, and continued through the tunnels, now more cautious. After walking for about half an hour, I reached a metal plate on the wall attached to a cord. I ran my fingers along it, and found it could spin. I spun it a few times, and it gave a groaning creak. Then I remembered the numbers and letters I found on the ground. I pulled out the paper and spun the dial to match the order.

"R... a... i..."

I entered in all the letters, and stood back as the seemingly dead-end began to move. There was a cloud of dust that rose up, and a blinding light from the other side of the hidden doorway. Then, a strong female voice yelled out.

"Don't move! We are armed! Who are you?"

Being the brilliant person I am, I took a few steps so I could see the room. I saw about five or so people in the room, and several guns pointing at me and Nick.

I put my gun in its holster and held up my arms. I told them my name, and watched for a reaction.

A man in sunglasses and a pompodour talked to the woman in the middle.

"She's real big out in the Commonwealth. The General of the Minutemen. Cleared out many baddies from the Commonwealth. Not someone we want as an enemy, Dez."

The woman nodded.

"Is what Deacon says about you true?"

I nodded.

"Yes, I suppose my reputation precedes me."

She put her gun down, and the others did as well. She held her hand out to me, and nodded.

"I'm Desdemonda. I'm the leader of the Railroad. Welcome aboard. We'll start you off as a tourist, someone who does the odd jobs for us. Just until we know for sure we can trust you. Deacon will take you to your first assignment."

I nodded.


I turned to Nick, and told him to wait for me at Sanctuary Hills. He nodded, and left through the long tunnels.

Deacon walked over with a confident swagger in his step.

"We're going to go get some intel from another tourist. He isn't far from here."

I nodded.

"Lead the way."

He started walking through the tunnels, and back up to the surface. He walked along a road, and waited for me to walk next to him.

"I think you're too good to start out as a tourist. We need more agents anyway. We're a bit short handed right now."

I looked towards him.

"I'm happy to help anyway. Who told you all that about me?"

He smirked, and ran a hand through his hair.

"I have my ways. Intel is my job, and I'm good at it. I know everything there is to know about anyone worthwhile."

I nodded, thinking.

"I see."

He stopped suddenly at a small building just off the road. He stood in the shade of the building and pulled out a cigarette. He offered one to me, but I declined.
I watched as he lit it in a smooth motion and inhaled the smoke.

"You don't happen to do any light stalking, do you?"

He chuckled.

"No, why?"

I frowned.

"I have seen you before. Just give me a minute to think about where it was."

He lifted an eyebrow.

"While you do that, I'm going to go in here to change. No peeking."

I crossed my arms and scowled.

"I wouldn't do that."

He closed the door behind him, and shouted to me through the wall.

"You'd peek if you knew what I looked like under these clothes."

I rolled my eyes.


I leaned against the wall outside waiting for him.

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